Implant Bridge

Dental bridges are used to replace a set of successive missing teeth. There are two types of bridges. First, there is the traditional one that is supported by the adjacent teeth on either side. The other alternative is to use implant bridges whereby they are secured permanently using titanium implants attached to the jaw bone.

The doctor has sufficient experience in placing implant-supported bridges for our patients. The entire process can take up to nine months, but the result is very satisfying. With traditional implants, there is always the risk of the cementing material eroding with time. There is no such risk with implant bridges, and you can use them more comfortably.

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Overdenture Implants

Dentures are recommended for patients who need a full teeth replacement. When these dentures are secured on implants, they are called overdentures. A standard denture is affordable, removable, and offers a quick solution to replace missing teeth. These acrylic dentures help restore the function of teeth and improve oral aesthetics. Dentures allow patients to live a normal life, but they have some disadvantages. A normal acrylic denture may become loose over time due to bone resorption, which is a common occurrence.

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Hybrid Dentures

The doctor at NC Dental Arts recommends implant-supported hybrid dentures for patients looking for a permanent set of artificial teeth. These are ideal if you have suffered from complete teeth loss or have lost a row of teeth in an arch. They look closely like natural teeth and enable you to perform daily activities such as eating and talking without the risk of denture slippage. The entire process of fixing hybrid dentures is quite long as it can take up to nine months to get a new set of teeth. Typical snap-in dentures tend to become loose with time due to bone resorption.

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