The doctor at NC Dental Arts recommends implant-supported hybrid dentures for patients looking for a permanent set of artificial teeth. These are ideal if you have suffered from complete teeth loss or have lost a row of teeth in an arch. They look closely like natural teeth and enable you to perform daily activities such as eating and talking without the risk of denture slippage. The entire process of fixing hybrid dentures is quite long as it can take up to nine months to get a new set of teeth. Typical snap-in dentures tend to become loose with time due to bone resorption.
They are more comfortable than traditional dentures, which can feel bulky. Also, since you have an open upper palate, these dentures do not cause any loss of taste while eating. The stability of hybrid dentures also means that there will be no soreness in the gums, which is a common occurrence with traditional dentures. The doctor will guide you through the implant process with minimum discomfort.

The process

1. Consultation:

In the initial consultation, it will be determined whether you are the right candidate for hybrid dentures. The facility has advanced digital x-ray equipment at our facilities to assess your eligibility. The x-ray will reveal if there is sufficient bone space available for screwing the implants into place. In case the bone is insufficient, you may have to undertake a bone grafting or sinus augmentation procedure.
Apart from that, the doctor will evaluate your full medical history and lifestyle choices to determine your eligibility. Patients already having chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or respiratory problems may not be able to undergo the procedure. If you have any kind of bleeding disorder, you may be ruled out as a candidate. The doctor will also assess your general health and the strength of your immune system. Furthermore, if you have lifestyle issues such as tobacco usage, hybrid dentures may be inadvisable.

2. Implants:

You will be operated on under local anesthesia. The gum will be surgically opened, and the doctor will fix the implant into the jaw bone. Depending on the extent of teeth loss and the availability of bone, four to six implants are placed. Following the implantation procedure, you will be allowed time to heal. You will have to give it about six months for full osseointegration (acceptance of the foreign body in your bone tissue) to occur.

3. Healing caps:

After healing, the doctor will expose the implants and place the abutments. A healing cap will be placed in this stage to guide the position of the denture.

4. An impression is taken:

In your next appointment, an impression of your gums will be taken to determine the angle and position of the implant. We use both scanning and traditional methods to have this impression. Depending on this impression, a custom denture will be made at the lab.

5. Fixing the artificial teeth:

After the artificial teeth are ready, they are permanently secured on the implant, on the abutments. The doctor will tell you how to take care of your hybrid dentures. Patients are recommended to visit our clinic for a routine checkup at least twice every year.