Hi Suparna, Yes! These are great! ?? Are we still doing the blue backgrounds? Just a few of questions. The "cat sleeping," is it possible to make the cat more central in the crystal? And the "GSD" sitting in the Rectangle Tall crystal, could this be positioned more central and this one looks a little blurred. The two crystals with the human faces, can we use an images of different humans so they're not the same as other re-sellers websites? Please find below a dropbox link with many pet images (including humans). The only stock image is the cat so they are all original. I've tried to include some other pets, eg turtle, parakeet, rabbit. I will forward some people/lifestyle images soon. Hope these are ok. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/6bgm8og8zupmuu7f13ylr/AP0zix448gRol893zFHN2QY?rlkey=oyoo0rln9sa9at944ynoto71s&dl=0 Here are some lifestyle images. Most are original but I also included some stock images. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/vd4o1c80mol7q8k5w1lgo/ABCMu8jRNR-XpPfNTNsAv4k?rlkey=cgweesbjwgdt4d57rkqlf6clw&dl=0