Updated SEO features in 2017
There has been a rapid development and updation in the field of SEO in last three years. Features of Google are trending very fast and significantly it effects the ranking of the websites. Some of the prominent advancements of 2017 are quite mind boggling for the owners of the companies. So equivalently the task of the digital marketing team also becomes tougher now a days. As Google's algorithm updates keep on changing in every time so the task of the companies to keep on track of this updates increases manifold.
User Intent wise optimization:- In-spite of the fact that Keywords form an integral part of SEO optimization but today consumers today are much smarter than before. They know exactly what they want and search engines will track their intent very easily. So Keyword optimization needs to be set on the basis of user intent. As users are entering full queries and values to get their desired information. In 2017 brands need to identify the user intent before optimizing their site in search engines. For that three important steps they need to follow. Firstly a brand needs to investigate that what type of information the users are seeking from a website's content. Secondly once the research data has been gathered then necessary changes need to be done to boost the ratings.Based on the research done it needs to convey the message through your content using the story they are searching for. Thirdly, a brand need to identify that which ideas are working for them and which are not by keeping a track of analytics result.
Use of more rich answers & snippets:- In general sense we all use Google search engine to get the answers of all the queries. When ever a user type any questions on Google then it displays the answer to the user along with some relevant sites, videos, events, movie,information , reviews and dates. Schema markup or structured data mark up can help business owners to enhance their listings on SERP's. As this mark ups helps the search engine in understanding the content and allow the users to get the desired information they want.
Multi channel Marketing:-
Multi channel marketing or cross channel marketing is the process of using multiple platforms in an integrated way to market your brand. It ensures capturing the user attention for longer duration of time. So it is one of the features of Search engine platforms to market your brand. The main aim of it is to create a consistent brand presence in the minds of the viewers. It can only be effective if proper target audience can be reached and the consumer buying habits are known to the SEO specialists.
More often Google makes updation in their SEO features. So the task of the brands have become tougher than before to keep a track of it. To enhance their marketing activity above steps can be a very effective tool for them to run their campaign successfully.
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