Tag Archives: Printing Design

Smart print design ideas beneficial for the marketers

Association of a brand or a company with a well-designed logo is common. This very association is created with a process that ensures every piece of the jigsaw fits correctly. And the result is a finished product that the world will encounter and if done well even remember.

During this process of fitting the bolts it is very important that the designers and the marketers are on the same ‘page’ and have a few essentials covered so that the process gets easier and provides the desired effects.

Here are 5 things that can guide a marketer to tune up his print design.

Enjoy versatility but don’t compromise on uniformity

We all love versatility – be it colors, texture and unique techniques of styling. Why ignore it when it comes to print design. Versatility will always be an added advantage when working on a particular brief. In today’s world of multimedia it is crucial that the logos designed or branding should be flexible so that it can be used for printing and utilized digitally too. To achieve this purpose designers should be aware of the technical know how related to printing process and take into account the format, quality of paper (to be printed on later), colors and detailing in the design so that the design is a flexible one that is easily put to use on multiple platforms without compromising on uniformity.

Balance your act – stay web and print-friendly

Formatting plays an important part where printing is concerned. It should be such that it allows the design to be printed on the business card as well as banners and posters. Therefore, it is always advisable to design in EPS or vector format as both are scalable and allows for small and huge prints and it can be used digitally. The idea here is to have highly creative logos but to keep it web and print-friendly emphasising on the resolution, the kind of ink to be used while printing and the quality of paper.

Cut down glitches – use PMS spot printing

The brand colors can be maintained with proper use of color systems. The colors we see on computer and the ones used while printing are different. The inks used while printing are CMYK and the colors we see on our computer screen are RGB, which leads to color variations in the final print. Using PMS spot printing can fix this glitch and ensure accuracy by simply matching the brand color to the corresponding PMS color.

Power up with subtext

Subtext provides far more power than the overt message presented in the design, it reinforces the direct message. Colors, images and fonts used to convey the message through subtext should be carefully chosen keeping in mind their universal relevance.

Close the gaps between online and offline media

Printed material is something that your target audience can touch and feel unlike the digital media. So here lies an opportunity to showcase your printed design at its best. And also have your users remember your brand for a longer time.

Bear in mind that any design should not be drastically different than what one views digitally. This sure puts off many users.

Whatever texture or material you are exploring magnets, coasters, key chains, t-shirts, caps or even mugs and tumblers, maintain your brand identity. Try out samples and check the end product before you print a large quantity. Also, consider how long lasting is the paper, card or any other source of print material you are using and budget the printing accordingly.

Tips to Design an effective Rack card using printing tools

Every company tries to focus on different ways of marketing to build awareness of their brand. So printing rack cards with attractive looks and designs are one of the effective modes of branding activity. There are various parameters on which the design of rack cards attractiveness depends. Two most important thing on which the attractiveness of rack card design are simplicity and size. The standard size of a rack card is of 4″ to 9″ to accommodate space & money. It is one of the effective tools of BTL branding activity.

So let us now see the effective tips for designing and printing rack cards.

  1. Maximize the use of photographs & color: – The color & design of the rack card printing should be able to catch the attention of passers-by and they pick them up from the rack & enjoy it visually. The top area of your card needs to include cards content or the logo of your brand. It should also contain an eye-catching colorful image. There should be maximum use of original photos and proper color complexion. An effective or attractive Rack card provoke the user to buy it spontaneously.
  2. Re brand Your Work: – printing rack cards are one of the most high end marketing tools. Many people will stare at it even though they don’t purchase it. It is one of the essential things that there should be no compromise in color, quality, and content. It should be designed in that fashion. It should match with the personality of the brand. There should not be any confusion about the brand service while the customers are exploring through your services using the printed racket. There should not be a sense of negative perception while people are looking at your brand.
  3. Keep a focus on your content :- Before writing the content on the printed rack card it is essential to focus on the message. Which you want to convey to your specific target audience it should be relevant to the context of their need parameters. So that it can increase the chances of being picked up by your consumer & remembered for a long period of time. The subject of the copy must be defined within five words or less.
  4. Don’t limit the print with low tech assumptions: – Printed pieces are very time proven in nature which means you can get your information into the public. They serve as an essential link between your online marketing and hands on contact. QR codes can be used to drive traffic to your websites or on your online promotion campaigning activity. Then it would become easy for you to track down that who all people are clicking on your website and can also judge the effectiveness of your rack card promotion. You can also insert your website link to direct people to land on your web page.

Steps to create efficient print design ads for your business

If you are marketing your startup company, brand or you are struggling to get new followers for the product or services you cater. You can simply rely on print design ads in magazines or newspapers can give your brand good amount of exposure and aid revenue generation.

Now let’s focus on how you can create an impelling print ad design that can surpass the possible competitors. At the same time, it will be attractive for the potential customers making them interested to know about the brand in details. In the next section of the article, you can find the steps for creating the print advertisements that will be catchy and memorable.

Step 1 – First get the message clear in your mind

Having the clear conception of the message that you want to be displayed in the advertisement is necessary. Concentrate on that single message and the target audience that you are creating the design for.

Step 2 – Implement the latest logo

Using the logo with the latest tweaks which will be contemporary, relevant, and by seeing which all the audience can relate to the brand. If you have the brand logo designed by the professional designer then it will have the versatility which will make it proper for using in print format. Having an updated provides a modern look and make the design memorable.

Step 3 – Appropriate Color Selection

Choice of correct color tone for the designing the ad is a prime factor while building a brand presence and awareness. Assuring the color scheme streamlined with the brand essence to be appropriate for describing the message to the target audience to gain fast traction through the campaign.

Step 4 – Size Matters in Print Advertising

In constructing a successful print design ad you must consider the size before you complete the graphics design. Print design has a requirement of dots per inch (DPI) and to be precise it is 72 DPI. In general, print design can have DPI of 300 which to be supported needs high-quality graphics, high-resolution images, vector images, and photos.

Step 5 – Typography should be prominent

Selecting the correct font type is equally important especially to create the impact of the message. You can choose from the online available fonts fitting for print design ads. You must go for the most legible one and that should be copyright free. You can take inspiration from the famous Magazine ads used by the celebrated designers.

Step 6 – Graphics or Photos

Deciding whether to go for graphics or you should use photos or even implement both for your print design ad. Graphic vector images are trending and can get popular easily. Using pictures in place of stock images can convey the specific message directly.

Step 7- Don’t forget to include a Call-to-action (CTA)

Implementing a call-to-action is with the prints advertisement is the one of most effective way to generate leads and gain potential followers and customers for your brand. And you can do that by providing a bar code or QR code for the mobile devices and don’t forget to attach your website URL so that others can acquire more information about your business and what all you offer.

Is print media effective for brand marketing?

With the growing technology, many of us think print to be dead medium as online marketing is considered the effective way. Though print marketing is far from being obsolete, in fact, it has evolved a long way with improved techniques. 40% of the local business advertising was depended on direct mail and still continues to an extent. There are various reasons knowing which you would definitely rely on print design media to reach the audience:

Variable Printing

I know you might be thinking that variable printing is not a fresh method but the difference is the advancements in the print techniques have made feasible due to the lowered cost. Variable printing facilitates you to tailor the each piece of media by altering some elements in each piece basing on the feature of complex personalization.

QR Codes and NFC

Not only the technologies for various apps and smartphone is developing same applies for print media too. At present QR codes and NFC technologies have made it easier for print media to reach the customers directly. It’s same as you have the option to tweak each coupon uniquely while running a mailer campaign with different serial numbers for your convenience to track which customers have used them. When implemented for variable images you can create different series of cards with unique picture background.

Print and Social Media

We know that social media channels play an indispensable role for the entrepreneurs to reach the relevant traffic. But it’s only through the sites like FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkeIn. But have you ever thought your business card to be a social medium? I guess no. When you give a prospective customer you are making a long-term connection. They can use to locate you whenever they require if not at that moment. Well, it can be better as no print material is devoid of the website URL or the social media address on it enhancing its credibility.

Less usage claims distinctness

While most of the companies are struggling for getting maximum audience online, which further makes the situation competitive. Having a customized business card to feel the void due to the lack of print media usage it gets a distinguished attention and attraction from the customers. If we compare the number of days you check your e-mail will be certainly much lesser than you check your mailbox. And you can’t deny sparing some time to look at it before keeping or throwing it. So, print material claims added attention.

Prime elements to create an efficient print design

With all the technologies improving print has also taken a leap. Although it’s a conventional promotional medium has a tot of potential to make your brand popular in this digital world too. They can be any shape and size like a banner, billboards, business card, flyer, brochure, magazine, signage and so on. Every item has its own impact on the viewers and encourages him or her interested to know about the product and services. The concept and the trendy features required for the proper communication must be done with professionalism. Not to forget they are effective yet lucrative, so small business owners can also try out print advertising to get a great reputation.

The print design has to be perfect in all aspect to claim the views of the audience. Now let’s have a glance on the elements that put together with creative finesse can be best advertise for your business:

Copy Elements
The text that is used must very closely and concisely explain the message and should be focused. The title or the heading must be attractive enough to grab the readers interest regarding your product or services. No one has a lot of time to read and understand complex things. For instance, a billboard holds an ad and the potential customer only had few seconds to go through it, so it has to be explicit. Same applies for the other print materials also, the chief point should be loud and clear. Adding the company logo to every item is a prime requirement.

Graphic Elements
Images, illustration, clip art or symbols play a crucial part in the design creation. Like the swoosh in the logo of Nike. Incorporate the graphic elements with the title and this can increase better intrigue the audience. A research conducted by Texas University proves that people are more inclined to pictures than words. So employing better-describing pictures to impress the target audience. Incompatibility between the heading and the image used can make it difficult for the audience to understand and reduces the ad’s effect.

It’s known to all that color printing requires more money that black and white. Complete color printing needs four colors and runs. Using two color printing can be a lucrative option and can be appropriate for some of the designs.

The layout is the phase where all the elements are brought together to get the final form for the promotion of the brand. It’s the main focal point – the reader will first see the image then look at the tag line. So the formatting should be done similarly after sketching the rough then finalize with the brand mark and signature. Check for the specific details and get it printed.

Points to consider for creating a professional print design Ad

Irrespective of you are indulged in marketing a new company or want to gather a large number of new viewers or followers for the products or services you provide, implementing print advertisement in any form is a conventional yet great idea to create brand awareness that can culminate in more ROI. Putting an advertise on newspaper or magazine can be a useful in increasing the brand awareness to manifolds. One point has to be checked is that the print design to be highlighting and interesting.

Knowing how to design a print design ad effectively to entice the target audience, at the same time attracting new viewers or clients making them interested in exploring the products or services. The following section will be describing some of the points that can help in creating a flawless print ad.

Draw the idea in mind:
While you want to create a stupendous design it’s imperative that you should have the message clear in your mind that you want to convey. To make the ad attractive you have to ponder on how to get the message easily conveyed to the target audience for getting a positive response. The better the message reflects your idea in print form the better it can perform.

Updated Logo must be included:
Always use the most updated logo design that is catchy, contemporary, relevant and helpful for the viewers or demographic will be able to gauge the company essence. Leaving the work to an expert designer can be wise decision to take and you can relax to get a professional print design. Not only the logo the complete ad will combine to earn views from the customer simultaneously invite a number of new potential customers.

Selection of the proper color tone:
Colors play a very significant part in any visual medium same applies for print design ads. Choosing the right colors to create a brand awareness is a requisite. You have to ascertain that the ad has a streamlined color tone somewhat similar to the logo in the logo or the colors that are associated with your brand. In order to attract the viewers quickly towards your brand through the campaign.

Connect to the viewers:
The advertisement in a way or two must relate to the viewers that you think as a target audience. The people who are really interested in the product type you offer must be able to relate to it through the ad design and take the final decision to go for it. The print design ad can be widely impactful in reaching the proper demographic and is a good marketing tool for all the brands.

Print design is still an effective marketing tool for business

We live in a digital world now, as almost everything and anything we need is a click away. To be a known name in this competitive market you must have a uniqueness that can make your business distinguishable from the rest. Virtual medium is used more by the people instead of searching the shops physically as it’s convenient. But we all don’t have so much time for going to explore various options physically when it’s available online. Still what is important is a major chunk of mass doesn’t have access to the internet. No aspect should be left unoptimized to lead a successful business. What I am talking about is print design. It being such an important marketing tool we must utilize it to gain popularity.

Though it’s a conventional tool is has a great impact on the audience and the clients too. Most of the companies ignore the effective of print design promotion. Here is an advantage you can gain over them. Creative office stationery can give your business an extra edge. Getting your brand logo imprinted on the business card, business folder, letterhead will claim more professionalism and provide distinctness for the clients. When business in a trade fair you hand over the client a customized business card it will give your brand more weight-age.

Moreover, an attractively designed banner with the business brand essence and logo design when is put on a billboard can get innumerable views from the all the people passing by. When you mail a promotional mail to the masses most of the time it goes unnoticed or is send to the spam section of the mailbox. Whereas, promoting an offer or contest through a banner in a populated area can get more attention of the target audience and make them interested in it.

Using fliers, brochures can enhance your marketing strategy and public awareness about your product and services. These small nothings are kept with the people for future consideration and can lead to sales. For instance, if a furniture shop has a great brochure one can keep it to purchase from there in near future the address being available in it. And the local availability increases the rate of sales.

Creating a unique concept for your print design materials requires lots of concentration as you have to make it impeccable. It must have the quality to entice the audience so only something innovative can intrigue the perceptive clients.

Although we live in digital times print design had still not lost it’s effectiveness being a significant marketing tool and has a crucial role to play in brand campaigning strategies. Brochures, business card, banners can substantially help in making your business brand popular.

Print designing can be eminent in marketing your Business

A complete guide to print designing needs

In this digital world print design has its own benefits and is very crucial marketing tool for the popularity of your business. Preparing, optimizing and creating your designs for print material can be tough process. A great deal of know how is required for it, which includes, creative ideas, designing techniques, color selection, font selection and some more key factors that you require to know. There are professional print designing services that pay heed to every bit carefully for flawless designing. Here I am providing with a range of key elements that can helpful vitally.

Placing or Alignment: Understanding the placing of the text and proper alignment for your layout can drastically change the appearance. Improper alignment can make the design look clumsy and haphazard. You try out giving the text right alignment, putting it in the center position of the page. Need to adjust the bigger chunks of text, so that it will look neaten or even putting the texts towards can give the design a contemporary yet unique look. For technicalities you must know to work with Acrobat to edit print files in PDF format.

Incorporate Balance and Bevel: For creating a flawless layout a common factor you will find in print designing is perfect balance. The balance here refers to putting a major portion of the text over the clearer portions of the layout to strike a proper balance for the viewer. This can draw the attention of the audience to focused areas. The fonts are clearly visible and readable. Along with that implementing artificial bevel on the graphic elements gives a special effect to the complete text, though it is being used less after the popularity of flat design.

Bitmap and Bleed are Vital

Bitmaps are a summation of the number of miniature pixel and are completely different from the vector images and graphics. Editing an alteration in the size of bitmap graphics results in distortion in quality and makes it pixilated, so if you use it meticulously as it leaves no room for re-size. Coming to Bleed, it is the left out space that ranges, past the edge of the layout page, so using after you feel the design is ready, the bleed cam minimizes the minor errors in trimming if any.

Creativity and Communication: Creativity is always the thing that compels people to remember a particular print design. Playing with the use of basic grid and striking a balance in the design, but you should not restrict your creativity. Print design is an awesome medium for flaunting the creative side of you with innovative ideas and conceptions. Employing all these tweaks and techniques only one thing should be the end result that is it should visually appealing for the viewers. The final output should effectively convey the message of the brand it is designed for. Even if its a great design and is not able to communicate with the targeted audience, the layout is ultimately of no use.

Print Design Benefits for your Brand Recognition

There are innumerable benefits of promoting business with print design materials. It allows you to communicate your brand message along with being an incredible resource in the industry. With these benefits you become one of the prominent players in this industry and it helps you enhance the knowledge that which aspect of your product or services is mostly liked by the audience. As per a recently conducted survey, 70% of viewers trust and like to see print material promotion and sales. Now, let us check some of the major advantages of representing your brand though print media.

Most of the masses search for services and products online, still there is a large chunk of people who are impacted by the print materials and decide to go for it. They can see the print material like brochure, flyers to decide later on that can be more useful.

Tangibility Matters

Every material in print has a physical being, something can be touched and explored later on too. And mostly we are left with no options except going through it, unlike email marketing messages that can overlook and deleted from the inbox. When you get created an impressive print design featured like on a billboard it keeps on being there for months together even for years. This increases the brand visibility with best use of text and images. You get maximum exposure for your products.

Trustability is prime factor

Like the promotional emails, print medium has got nothing to worry about. Clicking on an unknown marketing mail may be a chance of virus or spam to waste time upon. This in order can distort the company image and reputation. Whereas customers receive printed material in a perfectly designed manner to catch their fancy and entices them to know about your company.

Brand Recognition lasts in the memory

To become a well known brand you require a strong brand identity that must be established well and maintain. So, in this aspect print media can have a decisive role as constant visual can lay a great impact on viewers and construct solid brand identity.

Greater Opportunity

This is very common that likely your inbox gets filled with many spam emails and creates annoyance whereas receiving a personalized message in materiel can be more impressive for the people. As it is an extra effort that you do to make the customer feel special. Not only one design you can have various impressive designs to create an impactful and unique one to stand out of the crowd.

Crowd Control

Presently every one relies on internet marketing completely, leaving more space for promoting it through print media that adds advantage. This will also be a different approach to advertise your brand and get the extra attraction that is left by only internet marketers. And the tangible aspect makes it more fruitful.

Some Indispensable Tips to Create Great Print Design

Design is the word of the moment. We see it in many mediums and formats, be it posters, hoardings, billboards showing high, signboards and of course on websites. Paying importance to print design can largely help the business to become recognized name in the industry, increasing the brand awareness among the people about the products and services. You get to see this print design advertisement everywhere around whether you like it or not, so it is the format of promotion that can give maximum exposure of your brand. Though all are not interesting, but an eye catching banner can’t be ignored and people get influenced. The appealing ones make us want to see more and last longer in our minds.

Creating an innovative and effective print design requires much of brainstorming by the professional designers to get the complete thing with precision. There are various pointers that must be taken into account for a successful and impactful design. Here are some of the points that can helpful in designing a great print design.

Use of Exact Colors

Colors convey more in case of print design not only are for mere brightening the materials.  Some colors invoke feeling among the customers and prospective client to think positive about your product and services. Selecting the proper color for your company logo and other print material can work wonders by instilling the message of your brand in the subconscious mind of the viewers that you are targeting. Understanding the impact colors have on the viewer is easy to find on the internet, which can partially help for the selection and combining with professional touch will deliver a successful output. You can invest some time in reviewing the implication of each color to get an effective print design.

 Meticulous Use of White Space

 Use of lots color in making the design can look unexciting after been seen over a period of time along with being more cost incurring. Smart implementation of white can be a breakthrough in the monotony of the entire layout and the fixed color scheme, providing a creative relief. This can be easy if you decide to go with a monochromatic scheme for your company identification and this is due to the pattern followed in monochromatic schemes is done only with single color with shades and tints of it.

Balance is Decisive

Last but not the least, yet another aspect to be taken into account while designing the materials for your brand is, balance. You would of course like the clients and viewers to get the complete the message you want to convey to understand your brand better, not just partial. To check the balance of the page you can flip the page upside down, in this way you are not enticed to read in-between the lines of the printed text or stare at a particular image for longer.