The main mantra is communicating in a unique way. Nothing sales more than original and bespoke approaches. Graphic design has acquired a strong grip on the marketing trends and illustration design looks in a bad shape. Delivering the message with an essence of handcrafting can give an air of freshness to the viewers. Can’t deny certain reasons giving into fading status of illustration in the business world due to the typical preference for photography than hand-rendered imagery. Due to the omnipresence of graphics design, most of the business web shops opt for it, nearing illustration towards partial eclipse.
Let’s get the real picture of the contemporary state of illustration by studying its relationship with graphic design.
The conventional Approach:
Tracking back to 20st century, when illustration and graphic design were two facets of the branch. Most of the designers used both the genres effortlessly. Rather, it was viewed with reverence and thought it to be superior to design. The natural touch it provided to the business face and other marketing elements provided aesthetic touch.
Images speak a thousand words:
The channels through which the brands seek consumer engagement, like social media, TVCs, e-mail marketing, hoardings, digital banners and apps that trigger responses in short while. Not to forget the print campaigns, pop-ups, and live PR stunts which initiate getting viral on You tube. Illustration can be from these campaigns with customization allowing better and pursuant brand identity. In this context, illustration gives more options to explore than graphics.
Budget Concerns:
The sector that uses illustration design most is the publishing houses as the book, magazine look most appealing to the reader or the customer with an illustration cover design. The prices vary according to the intricacy of the artwork and the caliber of the illustrator. For the small works, the cost can range from $150-$250. the layout with additions features like embossed covers and any other minuteness can add up to the cost.
It’s more fun:
Have you ever notices the illustrated characters are always more interesting to look and naturally gets more views. The fun factor is imbibed making it lovable for all the audience. The representation though it looks much more genuine and appealing whereas maximum use of graphic design has made lowered the craze factor but that in no way means it has to cartoony.
Graphic designing might be cost-effectively but, despite the required time and additional cost illustration evokes the message in the best possible way and can be aptly tailored to suffice your requirements. The craft can help to communicate the business personality with much distinctness.