Tag Archives: icon design

Icon Trends That Will Gain Emphasis This Year

The icon design industry has come along a very long way over a past few decades to reach new heights. As in most of the time, the startups and entrepreneurs require it to do branding of their services. Attractive Icons usually push the image of the company. It has the ability to make your brand name immortal in the hearts of millions. That is the reason why it keeps on changing with time. It has evolved a lot over a past few years to make your brand look apart and distinct from others.

So let’s see what are the most recent icon trends that are going to be used this year 2017:-

Complementary color gradients

Gradients are making a comeback in user interfaces, particularly in the field of icons despite their popularity of flat design. As the harsh linear gradients are losing its popularity. So again complementary color gradient make its mark in the industry to uplift a brand image.

Hand Drawn Icons

In one form or the other the hand-drawn iconography has come and gone over the last few decades. A number of designers have proved time & again that hand-drawn icons can be the most effective means to communicate your business message if it is being executed skillfully. As these icons able to provide a satisfying contrast to the clean and structured layout of an interface.

Staggered Gradients

Staggered gradients are very recent trends which are used at an increasing rate today. As it is the combination of smooth gradients with brighter staggered gradients which provides in-depth visual interest. That is the reason why staggered gradients are the most demanded design icon to be used by the brand.

Stars & speckles

It is the most prevailing icon trends which are practiced today. As styling of icons is done with subtle surrounding shapes. As U I designers find more & More creative ways to implement this effect as it is continuously gracing icon design industry in 2017.


It is the simplest form, as this trend includes adding depth through subtle shadows, bright impactful colors, and overlapping elements. To make your icon interesting and appealing towards the target audience.

Great graphic design hacks – turn into a Pro-designer in a day

While designing an image have you ever thought β€œman… if I could have the expertise to craft this picture to Wow!” It is okay, we all have been there some time or other.

Now it is not Achilles’ heel to add the creative finesse to the design and we are here to help you in this task. Just read on for simple hacks to make your design to amazing.

Team Contrasting Fonts

Deciding which fonts look good paired and which doesn’t is a big question. And it is one of the most significant aspects that stumps people who are new to the field of designing. There is an accepted thumb rule that selecting fonts with high contrast gels well as this creates a perfect balance to look at the image while still defining a major feature in the design. For example – the font ‘Sifonn’ with Font ‘Arvo’ for giving the amazing look to it.

Select complementing colors for your design

Creating proper color tuning is next important level to make your design remarkable. A simple way to give your design the required harmony is to implement complementing colors in the graphics components. Like fonts with a background that can draw the audiences focus towards the text, making it look great. You can select the perfectly suiting color with the help of color picking tool and will provide the hex code (6 digit code that supports to find the proper color from the color wheel).

Apply Grids for images

The layout with grids look great and is preferred by the audiences according to trends and they give the image corporate effects. 3 to 4 images in the same grid creates an attractive composition.

Use of transparent icons
Though you decide to use a background or select some colors and textures to create it in a customized way, there are several ways that you can experiment. While you create an application icon you should have in mind that it can be displayed on a desktop with any background and for the icon that glass transparency components, then make them really well transparent.

Illustrate information with signs and symbols

With a small text often without it, the symbols and icons can accomplish the purpose of conveying. From designing an infographic to an innovative text holder, this is a great idea to think out of the box.

Crop images to increase the copy space

copy space here means the blank areas in the images. While you look for background images, choose one that offers lot of copy space that can be used to overlay text.

Application Of Eye catching App Icon Design

First of all, it is necessary to understand that for what purpose an app icon is designed. The main reason behind its development is that it is the visual anchor of your product. So you need to design it that way in which it can grab the maximum attention of the clients. It is that tiny piece of branding holds that importance that not only it need to look attractive and stand out ,but it should also communicate the message of the brand. App Icons can create a better outlook for your brand.

So let’s find out the core areas to focus on app Icon designs

1) Scalability:- One of the most important aspects of app icon is scalability. The reason behind this is that it will be shown on multiple places throughout the platform and in several sizes. So it is important to maintain its Uniqueness and legibility. It needs to look great on your Retina, App store and on other devices.

2) Recognizability:- An app icon is like a little song which reveals all the services of a brand in just a one go. Just as the song needs to get resonate in the minds of the listener in the same way an app icon should also resonate the in the minds of its viewers its color, shape, & ideas. The design needs to instill a sense of memory and instill a connection in both the emotional & functional level. The idea of the app should be like that it can stand out in the crowd with a unique identity of its own.

3) Consistency:- There should be a consistency between the experience with interacting with the app icon and interacting with the app itself. Actually, a good icon is a extension of what the app is all about. When these two supports each other then they create a more memorable encounter. A slick unified image of your app icon can create a product satisfaction in the mind of the customer which will ultimately lead to increase in retention and virality. In short, it is essential to make your icon work with the essence of design and functionality to design the application is a big win.

4) Uniqueness:- Your icon will be constantly competing with the icons of the other brands. So it is essential that it should be unique and innovative to face the competition with all its might. It is the common nature of the user to search for a unique item so if they get it from you then your Brand name will go viral in the market at a very fast pace.

That is the reason why these are the core areas which are considered as the most important parts of the app icon designing by the experts. If all the four instructions are followed one after the other carefully, then you are bound to see a positive result in your end without any room for ambiguity.

Importance Of Icon creation while designing a website

Today Icons speak more than words. As they are powerful enough to express the emotion or the brand motto or objective very clearly and precisely. As “a website is the face of the organization similarly graphic images are the eyes of the brand”. These images are very effective tool in creating the brand awareness especially in the case of website development. That is the sole reason why designers are constantly working on developing images for the sites to engage the users when they are visiting the websites for the first time.

There are certain basic requirement of Icon creation so let explore through those areas which affect a business house the most.

Images should be used instead of the list: – The purpose of the website plays a very vital role while using any icons inside it because maximum of the organization uses websites for promotion of their brand in front of its target audience so only content and lengthy writing makes it boring for the viewers so usage of images or icons can pull the attention and make’s it interesting for the viewers to go through the entire message and thus helps in creating brand engagement.

Representation Of things :- The icons or images are very flexible in nature as websites promote different brands products or services but due to the usage this images it becomes much more interactive especially while representing galleries, categories, subcategories & various groups. An addition of elegant colors and texture can increase your chances of getting maximum traffic to your website.

Service Representations:-
To highlight any service in the face of competition in a creative and innovative manner Icon creation plays a very important role as they nudge’s the reflex of the viewers to make things understandable very easily and with clarity. The question of knowledge gap reduces to a great extent because of this images. People can easily understand what services are provided by a particular brand very easily.

It can be used as the header: – The Icons can be used as the header which instead of title representation image representation can be a more flexible option to use. This is because of the fact that it makes it more impactful and lucid in the eyes of the prospective customers. Therefore images have the ability to speak a thousand words compared usage of long sentences.

It enhances the readability :- Readability of the Websites is the key factor in determining the success of the website and the branding objective of a company at a large. So only contents are not enough. Creativity and seamlessness is a vital part of a website. Thus more interactive the content less will be the bounce rate on a web page. Thus icons can help to build a long-term relationship with the prospective buyers of a company.

Brand Engagement ensures the chances of creating word of mouth popularity of a particular brand hence the chances of revenue generation also increases.