Tag Archives: Digital Marketing Services

Digital marketing strategy to get better ranked online

Every business is getting online for getting maximum exposure. To be precise, a poll conducted in 2016 showed that there are more than 6000 customers who shop online in every one or two months which is twice than the data checked in 2015. So to get increased sales entrepreneurs are opting for online business. The busy lifestyle live people with anything but to hop shops. This being the situation being this the only way to become recognized in this highly competitive market you need have a great website and most necessarily proficient marketing tips.

The world of digital marketing where everything depends on the search engine result that too significantly Google. All the websites are competing to achieve the best position in the search results. By now, being in this industry you must have come across the concept of Google Algorithm update. The expert digital marketers keep constant up to date about the Algo changes done to improve the user experience. Basing on improving the relevancy and accuracy of the content and search term.

To get popular with your venture in the web world you must take the help of professional digital marketing services. They are all equipped to optimize your website to get in the top position on the search result page. Primarily, the keyword selection is the most significant aspect as the high competitive keywords naturally, take time to show up. Beating the other contenders requires an effective strategy that is efficiently done by the expert digital marketers.

One of the major aspects of it is search engine optimizing which is further divided into two important elements – on-page optimization and off-page optimization. Nevertheless, for the promoting the website in the best possible ways often requires some design alterations that helps to get the better results. For instance, the site loading speed is one of the major factors that makes it popular among the visitor.

That is if your business website takes more than 3 seconds to load none of the visitors will not wait for it rather switch over to the other available option and make the buy there. So, the use of flash should be less and that’s a designing part. Working collaboratively can make the thing easier. The responsive design is a must as the people mostly use mobile devices

Coming to the next important part – content. It’s the content that holds the visitors. The content should inevitably unique and must be constructed with a viewers point of view. You have to think who are the people that can be the potential customer. The content must be framed in a way that all the questions coming to the mind of the target audience will be provided. This will make them interested in your product and services.

The off-page part has to planned meticulously. Getting relevant backlink from authority websites that are niche domain. Adding a blog section to the website and adding informative content rather than promotional ones can fetch you relevant web traffic to your site that reduces the bounce rate and help in lead generation.

Does mobile optimization act as competitive benefit for the website

At present mobile took-over the use of desktop as the chief device for web surfing. This had started since 2015 but now is at real blow as it has been seen in a report from Google that maximum of the searches were done through smart phone or the other mobile devices. In UK also more that 80% of b2b searches are conducted in these smallest devices. While there was an upsurge of responsive web design since last two years now it has completely established it’s prominence that is followed by almost all websites to improve usability. Some of the websites are still in desktop version and the contact form fill up for query is absolutely cumbersome on mobile. For getting a flawless responsive or we can say completely mobile friendly design these are points that must be checked.

  • 5 times more the users use mobile devices than desktop
  • It your website is not mobile-first then they choose to go for the other options
  • Page loading time is one of the key points for fetching traffic and people leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds load.

Google announced the mobile-first index
The mobile-first indexing did the last favor that essentiate the responsive design of the website. Giving in to this point makes it significant to increase the searches. The links and contents also impact the ranking and improve the ranking and visibility. Desktop version still holds the secondary capacity and the mobile version being the primary one. This will also lead you to get prioritized than the contenders.

Mobile optimization
Google provides various tools to check responsive design along with that the Search Console can offer mobile usability details for every page. Search Console helps you look at the issues like:

Flash Usage – Maximum mobile browsers doesn’t support Flash so you should use some other advanced technologies.
View port not configured – the meta tag helps the browsers in scaling a webpage to support is a device.
Small font size — This is a scaling issue and requires users to pinch the screen to zoom in.

Page Speed
Page is a significant factor for all the websites and for mobile and desktop both. Some pages may get ,loaded fast in WiFi connection but the situation may not be same for mobile data. Google provides insight tools to check the site loading speed.

SEO for Outlets and Shop – Some buzz for this Christmas

Happiness is in the air with the approaching festivity. Christmas is just around and the time to merriment but the point is being digital marketers we can just involve into making a snowman with the family and friends. If we neglect to make a plan then it is similar to neglecting to succeed. Acting accordingly can help to create a great digital marketing strategy for a prosperous festive time.

When it comes to shopping: online and offline or a combination

Now, the concepts of shopping online and physical shopping arena are clashing. There is no clear distinction between both as per the customers. One may start shopping online and end up purchasing from the store or vise-verse. While buying customers do a lot do research online, go to various shops and then purchase online. In this crowd of festive time, shopping malls are full by Christmas accessories and goodies and they are well acquainted with the benefits of the digital handle so, they allow easy research on mobile phones.

Personally speaking, when I think of buying Christmas gift for my loved ones, loiter to many shops for getting a nice one but end up searching on Google. Search for ‘gift items for Christmas’ and then sort out from the results and look for an item that can be a great gift. When I get a perfect gift idea I get the directions for an online store or the physical one through the Google maps is a very easy option.

SEO Counts:
Most of the shops, restaurants do not pay any heed to online presence. Even the well aware business owners who rely on Google business listing are even unfamiliar to the advantages of updating the special timings for the Christmas. Like if you offer sale up to wee hours you can increase your sales.

Responsive Website:
Seriously, now this is the thing that can really boost your sales, this is because the local customers or clients in your area can find you through the search on the mobile. For instance, if you want to get the maximum sales for the cookies and goodies then your website must have a proper loading and display on mobile devices. As now mobile searches are much more than desktop targeting audience trough it, is a great factor. Responsive design will be increasing your traffic and popularity.

Social media promotion:
Social media promotion about the exclusive offers can fetch you a lot of potential customers. Determine the traffic and the target audience share in all the perspective channels for ensuring the benefits. Just create a catchy content or caption to highlight the discount or the special items that your are offering can increase your sales to manifolds this winter.

Wish you happy shopping this Christmas!

SEO trends to look forward for an optimized 2017

Digital marketing is a field progressing and changing with lightening speed. With 2016 on the way to be replaced by the upcoming year, it’s high time to get acquainted with predictable changes to happen in the upcoming year. There has been a lot of major changes in the year and the prominent trends will successfully continue with more impact. Apart from these, Googles algorithm changes that always keep business owner pinning to cope with the change, many more trends are expected. Before starting the new SEO campaign its better to get the idea of scenario. SEO being the most important part of digital marketing must be focused for better online promotion in the upcoming year

Here are some of the predictable trends that can help for better search engine optimization:

Improvement for User experience
Keywords are still significant, as typing these words one can get the result for their query. Though audience or people now searching an exact phrase, meaning their requirements. Search engines also provide more precise information for identifying the user intent. So the audience also search by entering the complete query in Google or other search engines, resulting in correct data accumulation and perfect results more efficiently.

In the coming year brands will have optimize digital content basing pf the intent instead of optimizing it for the keywords.

Research: Check what will the user searches as per your brand that can make them come to your page. Try to tailor the content with the answers that they would like to know about the product or services.

Optimization: After collecting the data from the research, make the alteration accordingly that can improve the rankings. Based on this information give the customer a good reading experience with a story telling approach.

Managing: Always keep an eye on the analytics to know the performance and what has to be adjusted or updated accordingly.

Accurate results for the queries:
Google is the platform on which we rely for all our queries and it will give you relevant results in the form of websites, videos, reviews, and information. Schema or structured data will enable the search engines in gauging the web content better and providing specific information to the viewer in a better way.

Cross-channel branding:
Cross-channel branding or marketing refers to using several channels to promote your brand in an incorporated way. For instance, if the target audience is using mobile for browsing any product and services, but is reluctant to go for it, then you can enlarge the chance of reconsidering it through targeted ads basing on their queries through social media. This can only be efficiently done when you know the target audience and user behavior.

Mandatory Mobile optimization:
Mobile optimization has changed the SEO techniques now for a few years. Search on the mobile is increasing rapidly and no shows, no chance of reduced use in future. Most of the web traffic is fetched from the mobile browsing and shifting the audience from the desktop. Many of the e-commerce and other websites are getting the maximum leads from mobile devices. It is being heard that Google is planning to index the mobile sites first so responsive or mobile friendly website will become mandatory for business owners in 2017.

Useful tips to lessen the bounce rate of your website

Before we try to decrease the bounce rate of a website, first we have to comprehend it actually means. Basically, it is the number of people coming to your site and leaving it without visiting any other page of your website. Or we can say it is the measurement that can give the details about the stay of a visitor on the website after they come to it. When a visitor comes to your site and leave it very quickly after arriving, usually means there is something wrong with it. We can see this bounce rate section by checking your Google Analytics and know the percentage. For instance, if the bounce rate is approximately 75% this implies visitors leave very soon after just after stumbling to your website, it may be the home page or any other internal page.

The point which comes to notice is your website is unable is not retaining customers. When people are getting into your site while searching for anything they are instantly bouncing back without finding anything. The point is creating your website in such a way that visitors will be interested in going through and the other pages too. Generally, they leave the page because they do not get the information or the services easily as they want. Ascertain that they land on a page that can engage the intrigue them to the others. There is no fixed point concerning the standard of the website for the bounce rate. Though it is very important to have less bounce rate as it implies the people are moving off without making any transactions and holding this position in the long term will result in no sale or business. If the bounce percentage is more than 60%, then it means that there are issues with your website that requires rectification. Improving the bounce rate by reducing it is also a point for optimizing the website as per the digital marketing the strategy.

All through the Google Analytics most of the data in connecting to the bounce rate. Notice the analytics to check the specific sections to understand the demographics like, location, social media engagement, the browsers used for the most searches. As these are directly related to it.

Now let us check out what can be done to reduce the bounce rate and interest the potential customers.

Quality compared to quantity:
You can be engaged in updating the content of your site and that is nice practice, but, it should be high quality in order avoid high bounce rate. Good quality content always holds and motivates the visitors more to be on the website for long.

The Design Factor:
Website design or the layout you choose is also decisive in affecting the bounce rate. Think meticulously before choosing the theme or getting the layout ready. Uncluttered themes are usually liked by the visitors. They also give a sophisticated look and it gives you more provision to highlight the important part of the content.

Simple Navigation:
Navigation is another important factor that relates to the bounce rate. Easy navigation panel claims more stay of the visitors. Inserting a blog section with quality content can motivate people and read for long.

Jumbled with too many Advertisements:
Too many advertisements on the website pages can cause the visitors to leave quickly from your website. The ads should be connected to the content instead of being an interruption to disinterest people.

How using HTTPS instead of HTTP helps the website in Ranking Signal?

The encoding with HTTPS has a lot of benefits like security, integrity and distinct identity. Every now and then we find website owners complaining about data hacking, herein https can be most helpful your site remains secure remarkably and information can be protected from prying eyes. Integrity restricts any unauthorized and unwanted modification of data. We will move on to the identity part in a while.

There is a clear difference between twitting something online or sharing thoughts and feelings as Facebook status and having your information on unsecured or unwanted HTTP. Sharing your information or thoughts on twitter or other social platform is your wish, but lack of encryption gives rise to unwanted exposing the confidential data. It can be easily compared with one visiting your profile and forcefully taking control of the profile.

Very often we hear that hackers have hacked the websites, and it is easy and profitable for them to attack the browser. Very convenient method is through malware delivery or in some way or the other you are duped to phishing. These tactics don’t even require to target any particular victim. Another way is sniffing, which needs propinquity of the target, but is equally menacing for your website. The track to see the communication channel is enough for sniffing. The hacker can do it through the web browser or the browser and you have no weapons to restrict it. Surfing from the cyber cafes, libraries make it simple to find the he traffic point and know the network signal.

Here S stands for Secure (HTTPS)

Websites that don’t use https are jeopardizing their privacy of the data. Websites opting for sharing simple privacy setting like opt-in sharing are making the data easily available for the hackers as it cannot prohibit sniffing attacks. We can see the most used social media websites like Facebook, twitter have opted for https lately and is accessible by the users at any time and they tend to keep it on but it turns off by default.

Mobile apps have sometimes stayed aloof of the advancement that web browser have implemented in maintaining the privacy of the data. It may happen that some fault can be there in HTML and HTTP that is under the web. HTTP doesn’t support implementation of intricate authentication techniques and the cause is the use cookie. Some of the apps like Twitter ensures such a setting that it can only be accessed trough the websites with HTTPS.

We even heard of Google lately faced embarrassment when 90% of Android based mobile phones were said to be undefended from impersonation attacks. There are millions of phones and it becomes impossible in patching each of it. This trouble is only due to lack of proper encryption, cookies and all over the connectivity of the users.

Recently, Google has confirms websites will be getting more heed in ranking algorithm with HTTPS browsing as they want more and more website owners to switch to HTTP from HTTPS to maintain the data security of the users. It also ascertained that HTTPS website portrayed more relevant and better ranking in search results. It can also play as a part of digital marketing techniques for better ranking.

How to increase Facebook followings for your Business?

Facebook is undoubtedly is largely helpful in reaching the masses maximum is least possible time. You can promote your services and products on this platform in various ways and also earn the best return on investment (ROI) through paid ads. It can reach your business to the next level by increasing the leads. FB has got incorporated and improved a lot of features that are very useful for sharing your brand information to the people. In this digital world, FB is considered one of the most useful platforms in digital marketing for acquiring maximum exposure for your brand.

The improved option that we got with the passing time.

Previously, when Facebook just evolved, it was an easy task to increase the following. As during that phase the competition was not so high, but the situation is completely different now. At present there are lots of contenders in the market and if you lack in any point than the other competitors that gives them 80% more chance to win over the peoples mind with their product or services. Presenting your ideas correctly is very significant otherwise that will discourage your potential and present clients and they may not work with you. They can find some other options to get the content fixed. You must not let this happen.

It is not that only you want a great number of followers, but, you want to make people understand your brand message and vision. However, it is not an impossible task, its just that you need to be on the correct track. It is significant to mark the number of followers and how much it is increasing on a regular interval. You must give the complete effort and it will pay off. The points you need to consider for better utilization of the platform are stated below.

Make sure of the targeted audience:

You must know the targeted audience and it is vital that you address that particular section of users for the business. As they serve the purpose in various ways, knowing their requirement you can suffice them with the needed features or attributes. You can your perspective in a way that “what would I want in the product or services if I were the customers”. In short, even if you are giving hundred percent effort if you are not able to provide the need it won’t be useful in terms of business and it will imply that you could not connect with the audience.

Avoid using jargon make it simple:

After you know your target viewers you need to interest them in your products in profoundly. That is, you will have to present the complete thing in simple language that can be comprehended by common people, avoid the use of complex and technical terms that becomes difficult for the viewers to understand and they lose interest, so make it in their language and build the trust factor.

Time and consistency are two prime factors:

There are certain timings when more number of people connect to Facebook and you need to monitor and post before that timing or a bit before that to ensure maximum views. To ascertain more engagement and strong presence on Facebook you require to post regularly. You can maintain a schedule and work accordingly in order will ensure best results.

Ascertain the SEO Strategy You Implement is Effective

By now you must have been aware that search engine optimization (SEO) is very essential for your business promotion. However, with the changes and updates Google keep on making the algorithm you need to change your planning too. SEO being the most integral part of digital marketing services, needs to be done meticulously. Are you thinking that you are not sure whether the SEO strategy you are using initially may not be as effective as it were before. So, here are some of the points that with which you can be sure that your SEO plan of action is working effectively.

How should you approach?

As mentioned above, here is a three step method that will guide you to check and ensure that your seo plan has not become obsolete and is still working efficiently for your brand. For that matter, it is a great thought to revise or amend your previous strategy to get desired benefits.

Review various aspect of your existing strategy: While you decide to review your strategy, there are some particular points that you afford to focus. The first section is your landing page which is specially created for the visitors’ ease and increase the conversion rate. You should focus specifically on the content quality of this page which includes, grammar,punctuation, spelling, meaning and continuity. The way of writing and the effect you feel your visitor should get also needs to be checked. One positive thing is content will not require to change much as the subject matter is same. Thereafter, if you see your plan of SEO is not sufficient to cope-up with the latest updates still you don’t need to change the whole thing, this issue can be managed by making meticulous changes. Some factors will never change as the logo the main structure of the website as these are the backbone of your business. If you have done that appropriately in initially with clear concept, then it will always be useful. The other content of your pages needs to relevant and informative about the services for maintaining the existing and potential customers along with the new readers. It may happen that the need of customers may have changed over the passing time. Moreover, you must have the proper understanding of the clients and then you can be able to provide them with required. Simple tweak in keywords meta description will be impactful.

Evaluation is the second step: Once you check the content and find that it needs to be rewritten, as you would like to include new ideas for the betterment. This will give a freshness to the website and more viewer engagement as creativity can entice them. This will be an opportunity to portray some unique and innovative ideas that may yield your desired results that my not have happened in the past.

Get and include the information: One of the ways that can help you refresh your SEO strategy is checking the top competitor sites and find what they are providing and you lack, if any. You can make amends accordingly. Check the analytics of the website and know the interested visitors. Survey the liking of people and include the things they are more incline on related to your website and this in order can create more number prospective clients.

4 Ways to find Website content Plagiarism – SEO Perspective

Without our knowledge plagiarism can happen irrespective of our effort to protect the website. The term ‘duplicate content’ is very familiar in the SEO arena, we get to hear time and again. As a professional webmaster we try to have a value adding and unique content to the website for best impact for the users along with search engines. SEO services can be at large benefited by refraining the plagiarism issue.

Duplicate content can impact the website very badly, you loose the rank benefit you got from the previous cashing of the crawler. Evidencing itself in many types it is one of the most elusive and majorly overlooked issue for which the website suffers and observes a huge rank fall. To our dismay, there is no particular checking tool to gauge the plagiarism issues in Google search console. Obviously after we come to know that the web content has been duplicated we have sources to know where it is used and what percentage has been copied. Often it arises from a sites structure or CMS limitations.

Here I am going to list 4 possible sources of plagiarized content that can have an adverse impact on your website:

Check through the URL format (HTTP and HTTPS)

One of the simplest way to check whether your website has two live structures that has been indexed can be seen using HTTP and HTTPS rule. The existence of both can be alarming yet there is chance that the developer might have overlooked the 301 redirection and changes to HTTPS format.

Likewise, while google incentivized webmaster have their websites completely to HTTPS, many site owners decide to make the significant pages, which needs to be secured like the login and landing pages. The site developer is instructed to use this type of linking structure while the crawler may visit a secured page it would attach to the other URLs, resulting in the creation of two interpretations of the website.

Long-back used Sub domains

If you have abandoned your sub-domain website and selected for a sub-directory site or you might have created a new website. While forgetting to remove the old content and it being still alive online, it will evidently affect your website negatively. It is advisable that you use a 301 redirect for the old sub-domain to the present website. Even it is important from the back links point of view.

Staging Phase of a Website

You are designing a new site? Planning for a grand reveal for it? If you have not restricted Google’s crawlers from crawling your staging website it may have taken a quick view of your site. You are mistaken if you consider that no one is going to do staging.yoursite.com, there is not even a chance. Then you are mistaken as Googles crawler keeps on indexing every site, including the staging one. This can hinder the search results position in SERP and create ambiguity for the users. It is wise to use no index tag and block with robot.txt file to restrain from this issue and remove these while you bring it online.

Content Syndication as a Vital Tool

Content syndication is a great tool to interest the users in the content in a refreshed way, but it has to be taken into account that certain guidelines must be decided for the publishing of the content. Aesthetically , you can ask them to use rel=canonical tag on the used page to make it clear to the search engine the real source of the content. This will majorly restrict the chance of duplicate content issue.

Marketing your business online with Brilliance

With every product going online we can see that marketing arena is turning digital. Some of the business owners have a rough knowledge about digital marketing services while others are unaware of it. Proper digital marketing strategy can help the business to flourish best online and doing it without proper acquaintance is not of any use. So, let me try to help you out with some useful tips that can guide you to have a successful business online.

Optimised use of social Media

Now everyone uses social media platforms, mostly Facebook. The other platforms like Twitter, Linkedin and Google+ are also to be utilized wisely. With the use of these platforms perfectly for the promotion of your business, can result in maximum potential customer for the website lucratively. Promoting your business through Facebook ads is advisable as it can increase the reach to four folds.

To maintain a great social media presence you need is persistent and regular on the sites. There will no impact if you post once in a month or week. According to the experts 4 to 5 posts on twitter and regularly at least 2 posts on Facebook and Google+ and 1 on Linkedin can yield good results.

While creating a post always keep in mind that you should post that interests your customers not about you only. Only showcasing your products and services for promotion, then you are making a big mistake. And this will result in decreased user interest and less number of prospective customers. It will be wise to create a valuable content with information and combine with a little bit of promotional text. People are interested to get information and you can provide them with that with a cautious inclusion of your product. This will increase the number of followers and improve the exposure to your brand.

Quality Contents can work Wonder

In digital marketing, the content is king, so it needs to be of good quality and definitely should be unique. You can beat your competitors by providing more valuable information with a high quality writing. But using an ornamental language is not required as it is for the understanding of common users. In various formats it can be used more effectively as in infographics, PDFs and the most trending ones are video and animations. Taking professional help can be useful for creating great content. Hiring an agency to manage the digital marketing strategy and provide you with better content.

There is quite a lot of them you can go through their profiles online and for the ones that suits your needs. Going through the testimonial or client feedback section will help you to gage their skills and charges of the services along with affordable content prices. You can also select the services from the websites for good content.

Following the basic tips given above, you can of course get a distinct position in the world wide web and increase your business profit at the utmost level. And one you create an online image that will keep paying in the long run, but of course you have kept the position maintained with proper strategy.

Imminent Digital Marketing trends for 2016 – Elucidated

Digital marketing in the present is moving at an alarming pace, and to ensure a prominent place for our business in the competitive market we need to keep up with it. The digital world is filled with unlimited new and appealing products, services and digital newness. Search for the products by the buyers is not only restricted to browsing the internet as various social media platforms also every minute provide information about upcoming or new products. Creativity and logical approach is the trend of 2016 and the results are worthwhile.

Have a glance at the advanced trends that are effective in building brand reputation online:

Primarily, while creating a website the sole emphasis should be given on making it user friendly. The products and services should be described in such way that with a glance consumer can understand the functionality and utility.

Competitor analysis is an imperative part of an infallible internet marketing so as to know what the tactics that your competitors are up to. Taking the example of popular E-commerce sites, by following some of the reputed brands can be helpful in getting back links this will improve the search result on Google page and will fetch your more business

Secondly, it has to SEO friendly to have a better position on Google search page (SERP). No prizes for guessing, viewers only click on the websites that comes within first few positions on the page. So to attract more number of customers you must have a simple yet much describing site. As the latest update in the Google algorithm ‘content is the king’ concept still rules. To become a Google loved site and have maximum business your web page needs to have quality and unique content. Keeping it simple and avoiding use of jargon makes the content easy to understand for the viewers and their stay at the website for long.

Thirdly, every minute hundreds of searches are being carried out by the users on mobiles, tabs more that desktop. You will be amazed to know that more than 80% of local searches are done on mobiles and approximately 64% of them go for the products or services. Responsive or mobile friendly web design can fetch you the maximum amount of business.

Social media promotion is like a boon for reaching your brand to large traffic strategically. Every moment users keeps checking on their Facebook and other social media platforms and an ad or informative link sharing can get you a huge amount of traffic generating leads. It is an open secret Google has a keen watch on social signals. We need to know which platform impacts more whether it’s Facebook likes shares or tweets or more number of re-pins from Pinterest as all are captured in its radar. It is seen that more preference is given to Google +1’s followed by Facebook for search ranking.

The latest research on digital marketing in 2016, hints that marketers are opting to integrate advanced and traditional techniques for better results. Digital marketing services create eminent quality websites along with advanced optimization to ensure utmost traffic and business, keeping at par with the search engine updates.