Tag Archives: Book Cover Design

Trending Book Cover Designs For 2018

An enticing book cover is always helpful in attracting the viewers. It must have the features or properties that can reveal and connect to the content in it. Though like every graphical aspect undergoes certain changes and some elements or design techniques acquire people’s as well as industry experts’ preferences creating trends. Likewise, the coming year is also going to have some styles that can appeal people better and reach the popularity.

The ingenuous trending book cover designs for 2018 that will be dominating:

Bold typography

Loud, attention-seeking fonts have been trending since last few years and give no signs of losing popularity. The most of the space available on a cover page is utilized by the text in the use of bold typography. Capitalized alphabets actually scream at the lookers in a distinct way to be appealing to them – sometimes the complete title. A famous author Jonathan Safran Foer is well known for choosing typographic covers. The style is evolving and in 2018 the refinement it has undergone is in place of clean typography, keep an eye for organic touches from print, such as brushstroke letters and also we can see the use of obfuscate portions of text with a different pattern.

Minimalist covers

Minimalist cover designs subtly claim attention. On the other end of the subject, designers are shunning the busy look and preferring to create something quite yet functionally minimalist cover designs. This style is not engaging in bigger letters and patterns but emphasizes on a single element and allow it to get the focus.

Hand-drawn covers

This is the revolutionary idea that is making way through the running year to 2018. It engulfs a great range of covers from novels to children’s book, illustrated covers have been rampantly used since last year. Approaching year can see a bent away from the intense girly, floral designs to an encompassing of cool and edgy, androgynous trend.

The seventies and eighties designs

The styles of 70’s and 80’s are again in popularity. It brings back the memories of the past with nostalgia when things were simpler. TV’s were overrun with the shows and book covers also reflected that. 2018 will again give us back the past essence of fonts, color selections, and images. Large 70’s fonts, like Rage and Goodbye Vitamin, seems general in the modern bookshelf as from 1976.

Millennial Pink

Millennial pink is a well-accepted term for the present kind of muted pinks in the dusty or greyed rose family that has been chosen by the internet-savvy brands from the past few months. While you can well observe that it is unavoidable to surf the internet, millennial pink has spread its reach to the book cover arena too, specifically those geared to women.

Why is Book Cover Design Important Aspect for Marketing?

The book cover is as important as the heading of the book, which gives you an idea about the content in it. Creating a perfect design for the cover page requires creative finesse. Whatever the subject your story may be based on, it may be the best one, but if the overview is not up to the mark the viewers will overlook it. It should interest people and convey the message of your content when displayed online or in the bookstore. The first thing one will notice is the cover page to make the decision, and if the person likes it then will think of going for it.

Some of the factors that should be kept in mind while we you decide to create a book cover design. The most basic and significant point is, it should look very good. The first thing that will grab the attention of the people is the cover design and they will try to gauge the content of it from the design to an extend. Next is the theme should be well carried off by the first look of the book. It is needless to say that only a professional can give justice to the illustration design that will have an explicit depiction of the subject and the theme that you are writing about and at the same time will be enticed in terms of looks. You have to convey your thoughts the expert so that he can create a design that you desire and the technical skills will enhance the beauty of the complete illustration. The story should be given a simple form that it can interest the readers. May be a scene from the story can be portrayed in an artistic manner that will generate curiosity among the readers to know about the story by seeing it.

As you are the author you have to enlighten the illustration designer with the gist of the story so that he can give best form to your thoughts. And also you should be ready to accept some useful suggestions that the expert can suggest you. When you have the rough draft ready you can take the opinion of the some related acquaintance to get some opinion or even to even showing to random people to know their ideas and opinion. The true feedback will be really helpful as you can gauge the preferences. If you feel that some point people cited can help in making your cover attractive then you can convey those to the designer to get it created accordingly. The suitable change will lure the viewers to read the complete story.

You can check out the various types of book covers that can be found online and get a rough idea from those about how you exactly want your book cover to be created. After you have jotted an abrupt idea, share that with the designer to get the cover done appropriately you want it to be. It will be perfectly done to be represented in all formats in the for printing and online promotion. This only possible with the help of an expert and it is not so simple as it looks apparently. So it is wise to take a professional help to give your book an amazing illustration that can have given a basic picture of your content with a smart touch to entice reader for continuing the reading further.