Landscaping Industry Logos To highlight a brand responsibility towards environment
Business logos are the means of communicating their brand message towards it clients and ultimately ensure strong business promotion. Aesthetics of a logo not only creates brand awareness but it also shows that how much efficiently a brand maintains an environment friendly norms. Not to only benefit them but also to the environment at a large. Good Logo's with the touch & feel of Nature will give you a feel of Serenity and it gives you a breath of fresh air in this materialistic world.
Now let's explore what are elements of a good landscaping logos:-
1) Earthy Colors: - Colors related to nature like blue , green, brown can attract the represents the presence of nature. So landscaping design can be a very effective tool in this regard to divert the attention of the customers towards brands attention with respect to the environment. Different colors have their own unique identity to reflect the brand's approach towards environment program. Like blue represents water body, sky, which shows that they are Eco-friendly towards water body and will not pollute it while performing their business operation.
2) Nature oriented Images :- Most of the logos are related to the essence of Nature. Hence the images which blend with it are mostly used here to catch the attention of the viewer's towards the clean nature of the brand. These images are also a kind of illustrative graphic logo which ensures high landscaping designs which portray the brand awareness towards the environment. Some of this images which are mostly used in designing such a logo are as follows:-
a) Flowers b) Branches c) Trees d) Leaves e) Fences f) Hills g) Rivers h) Animals/ insects I) Stone walls.
3) Effective Overall Style:- Fitting Typography: - Different types of font styles are used which are very attractive in catching the attention of the viewers. Some contain only image other contain only typography sometimes it contains both. Hence image texture and fonts also play a very vital part in gaining the attention of the viewers. Basically, four types of typography mostly used here
- Display typography
- Serif Typography
- script Typography
- Sans serif Typography
4) Effective Overall Style: - The overall style of the Landscape logo is the most vital part of designing to get the attention of the brand and to make a long-term impact in the minds of the customers. Sometimes simple but informative logo can play a huge role in building the brand image. Thus ensuring the long-term relationship with the esteemed client.
5) Versatility:- The planning of a logo design is the most vital part in creating the brand awareness on a large scale. Today rules of different nations have become very much stringent towards environmental norms. So to keep in tune with that it is essential to make logos with such effect that it catches the attention without violating the norms of the environment.
Thus when branding gets blended with the colors of nature it creates a unique flavor in the minds of the viewers which stays in the mind for a long period of time.
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