Is print media effective for brand marketing?

With the growing technology, many of us think print to be dead medium as online marketing is considered the effective way. Though print marketing is far from being obsolete, in fact, it has evolved a long way with improved techniques. 40% of the local business advertising was depended on direct mail and still continues to an extent. There are various reasons knowing which you would definitely rely on print design media to reach the audience:

Variable Printing

I know you might be thinking that variable printing is not a fresh method but the difference is the advancements in the print techniques have made feasible due to the lowered cost. Variable printing facilitates you to tailor the each piece of media by altering some elements in each piece basing on the feature of complex personalization.

QR Codes and NFC

Not only the technologies for various apps and smartphone is developing same applies for print media too. At present QR codes and NFC technologies have made it easier for print media to reach the customers directly. It's same as you have the option to tweak each coupon uniquely while running a mailer campaign with different serial numbers for your convenience to track which customers have used them. When implemented for variable images you can create different series of cards with unique picture background.

Print and Social Media

We know that social media channels play an indispensable role for the entrepreneurs to reach the relevant traffic. But it's only through the sites like FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkeIn. But have you ever thought your business card to be a social medium? I guess no. When you give a prospective customer you are making a long-term connection. They can use to locate you whenever they require if not at that moment. Well, it can be better as no print material is devoid of the website URL or the social media address on it enhancing its credibility.

Less usage claims distinctness

While most of the companies are struggling for getting maximum audience online, which further makes the situation competitive. Having a customized business card to feel the void due to the lack of print media usage it gets a distinguished attention and attraction from the customers. If we compare the number of days you check your e-mail will be certainly much lesser than you check your mailbox. And you can't deny sparing some time to look at it before keeping or throwing it. So, print material claims added attention.

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