How is AMP important for Search engine optimization?

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) update of Google is an initiative that serves as an open source to the publishers enabling them to develop mobile optimized content once and can be immediately installed everywhere. Basically what it means is when you search a key term Google will give you the results in a carousel that pays more heed to the websites with mobile accelerated pages.

It's a standard coding for the publishers. The main motive behind this enables the website to get loaded fast on the mobile as responsive can be slower at times due to the desktop coding that is heavy and a lot. To be honest most of the coding required for the desktop computer are irrelevant for a mobile optimized website.

AMP has mainly two benefits in the aspect of Seo. The first one is will get more importance on the search engine results as Google gives priority to the mobile friendly websites. The second thing that website with AMP will get better ranking benefits than the general ones. Moreover the making the web pages fast loadable on the mobile devices will fetch you more of potential customers improving your ROI.

Now let's see why is AMP significant?

This can be better understood while you try loading a page on a mobile and its keeps on showing loading for long. The result will be you will be annoyed and switch over to any other option that loads fast. With AMP this issue will be nil and you can get more views and traffic to the business website. But when you are traveling all the time the internet connection is not always fast so for providing a better user experience it's better to optimize the pages.

With more than 4000 developers and SEO strategists preferring Google's AMP it is making the process superbly awesome for the mobile device users. AMP has significantly simplified the core elements for the website coding in case of mobile friendly pages. Like for AMP HTML – it holds a separate set of custom commands for these pages. AMP Javascript coding permits external resource loading serially. AMP Content delivery network will automatically cache your AMP-enabled content.

It is also useful for WordPress developed websites and even is simple to optimize. You can install the AMP WordPress plugin after activating it will AMP all the pages in the website and one thing it will lack is it can't redirect the visitors so you need to modify the .htaccess through the FTP system. You just need to paste the code in the .htaccess section.

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