Do's and Don'ts of logo design for a start-up venture

Logo – the word is so popular in the business world due to the purpose it serves. It might look like a very small aspect of big venture but has a bigger role to play. When a business owner might be a start-up or an existing one, has to have a unique and conveying logo. Because for the new company it is the symbol or sign that is the first identity of the business and marks its inception. And for established brands, it is that simple design that wherever seen the customer can connect to the experience with it and when found in all stores or online enhances the brand image in the eyes of the viewers as a popular name.

To attain the same popularity a new company must follow certain techniques to get a proper logo design. So, let's consider the do's and don'ts:

The initial design in black and white Use of perfect colors can make the logo look very attractive, but it's necessary that same logo design looks best in black and white too. The simple way to test it is: take out a copy of the logo through an office printer in black and white and see whether it looks fine or not. If it appears to be blurred or unclear, then definitely you need to work on the logo again to make it perfect for both representations.

Do not implement many colors Color is a prime aspect that creates the magic in every visual item, but when we are talking about logo design we have to use it meticulously. A logo should always be simple and use of two or three colors can give the best results. Use of too many colors can make it look clumsy and confusing to the target audience. For checking the overuse of color just take the design and shrink it on the computer screen; if it appears blurry or fuzzy in that process, then it's high time to consider the use of colors again.

Images disconnected from text You may feel that your logo is a perfect combo of icon and text, but if you disconnect the icon from the text, it will give the logo an additional appeal. Presently where icons are shared increasingly, you can design your logo shareable, by keeping it

Do not settle for a wrong font If you find some font to be amazing on the screen of your computer, don't select it at ones but check for how it looks in other scenarios. Put it on a distance position or figure out it appears when suits well with other fonts that you are using for the print items or on the website. If the selected font fonts look perfect with all the options then you can settle with the font type.

In the age of custom logo design try to avoid using clip-art as it limits the creative dimensions and can give a cliched look. Your brand face must have a unique and attractive look that can convey the brand essence at a glance.

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