Author Archives: SEO

Why, what and how – You need to optimize your website

What is website optimization?

Though website optimization is not an innovative process for the business owners or the clients who are in this field for long. But for the start-ups or the newbies who are new to the online business marketing arena should know the requirement of this professional service. It is completely related to search engine that can increase the business awareness and popularity. What ever service or product you offer irrespective to that, your website has to be optimized. This will enable the website to get naturally listed in the search results.

Why should you have your website optimized?

It is a simple fact that in the hoarded digital market where every company is trying to be superior in presenting the products and services in the most user-friendly way, to get an identification you need to have a well-built website that can suit the search engine parameters to get better visibility. With every brand competing to gain a top position in the Google with 40,000 search query per second and that is constituted by 1.2 trillion searches from around the world every year. It is the only platform that can give your business the proper weightage online. To make your business website best from the user and search engine perspective your site needs to optimized properly.

It is a complex process and there are various parts to optimization that improves the marketing online. Let’s have a look at the integral parts the process includes. There are generally two options that you can opt for SEO or PPC. If you want real recognition and distinctness online both the ways are reliable. The long lasting success can be possible with the professional strategy that will include both in the correct way. Only PPC can’t assure successful if you don’t opt for SEO your website will not be your website will not be listed organically. Website optimization will improve the Google search engine page ranking. And PPC is a paid way that will cost you a fixed amount you have decided for per click in the ad campaign. SEO can be a bit time incurring and but has an impactful result for your business and save money too. The images in the website also gets shown in the search engine results and can be useful in tracking the direct visit. PPC services are always expensive than that of search engine optimization (SEO).

The simple summation of these points will make it much easier for you to understand the benefits of optimization.

  • You can fetch get relevant traffic to your website
  • Better search engine rankings
  • Strong website to promote services
  • Improved business awareness that can lead to more sales
  • Improved credibility among the clients and customers
  • Cost effective

Now, the most important part, How to optimize the website?

Get services from a trusted SEO agency

You can’t do it your self as it requires technical knowledge and expertise. So hire services from a trustable agency that follows White Hat SEO practices and provides quality work to get your website ranking in the top ten search results

Scrutinizing or Analyzing the Website

The optimization begins with the website analysis. To find the areas where the site needs to be modified to get the good results for SEO. The content, titles, header tags, meta title and the other on-page requirements must be checked and after that, it is meticulously followed by off-page work. The bounce rate is also an important parameter.

Optimizing for fetching popularity and direct interaction with consumers

Social media channels are the best way to promote your business in interesting ways for the target audience. As the platforms are hubs of people as most of us stay connected to some of these platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more. Proper channelization give you more traffic in less time and replying to queries of the customers directly improves the customer relation and credibility of your brand.

How are JavaScript and JQuery differently functional

With the skyrocketing popularity of online business makes the designing and developing the steps to success. The back-end and front-end of a website constitute of various codes that sound like jargon. But every technology comes with different new terminologies for the new designers too. Website development is quite a meticulous task and requires a professional finesse. One of the general question that can be confusing or a designer would like to know is difference in JavaScript and JQuery? Whether they are similar are simply different and independent? If you also want to know please continue reading the following section of the article.

Let’s explore! What is JavaScript?

Though the answer is simple as JavaScript is programming language such as Python and Ruby. Now, this gives rise to another question to the mind of newbies is JavaScript and Java same? But to be clear there is no connection between the languages Java and JavaScript, apart from some syntax and the similarity in the names.

JavaScript was developed in the mid of 90s, by Brendan Eich while working for a firm called Netscape. It came to use in June 1997 when Ecma released the first official standardized version of which JavaScript was one of the implementations. It is considered to be more apt for web and it can be used in all contemporary web browsers without the requirement of any extra plugins. It has also immensely popular due to the ease it provides the front-end developers for the frameworks creation for difficult web applications, like for developing native applications and it is also implemented in severer-side and the credit goes application as Node.js.

Now, after discussing JavaScript the next thing to look up in this article is “ what is Jquery?

Jquery is a library, that is implemented in JavaScript. Its functionality is to simplify the front-end code that utilizes HTML. There are quiet a number of technical terms in the definition and explaining them can help you understand the concept.

Firstly, in the world of programming, a library means the collection of helpful codes, brought together for using again later. These libraries have proper defined interface, that facilitates the functions that it is designed for. It is generally developed in a way that you have to work less or use of lesser codes to complete the same task.

For instance, if you want to create a program which can save data at few points in the hard drive. A developer can write the complete code which is a lot of meticulous work or you can take help of libraries, that is already created, this will ease your work to greater extent.

Writing the complete code that will enable data saving on your hard drive is quite a complex task and you will need to have the knowledge about low-level programming. Instead, if you can take help of library that has the codes for the same prepared by someone else, you can implement it to your program.

Some smart ways to select the perfect domain for your online business

The name of your domain which signifies the company and the URL has a decisive part to play in terms of search results. This is the place where the online audience will get information about your business, but the domain you select also is responsible to great extends and effects you websites visibility. Now, there are several options than it used to be before and there are some considerations still now that can help you take a wise decision.

As per a report published by ICANN in 2017 there are more than 1,547 top-level domains (TLDS). While you can be assured of getting unlimited options at the same time it doesn’t simply your work of selecting. So check out the points in following section of write-up that can be guiding for the purpose:

Consider the keywords first

Before hurriedly registering to your preferred domain, be patient and brainstorm on few things. Keep the prime 2 to 3 keywords in mind while the starting the choosing process. These phrases or words should simply define what you do or what are you aiming to do. Mix and match the ideas and culminate to result that makes perfect sense. Don’t force your mind – let it be flowing.
An example will make the process clearer to you, like if you are starting an home delivery for grocery then you should think of terms like prompt delivery, fresh products etc.

Try to create it unique

The domain is a main part of your business, so make it sure that it has certain distinctness for your potential audience. A domain that has close similarity to any other contender brand or popular brand is not a wise idea, as this can be confusing. It is also beneficial for SEO purposes.

Yet another thing to be pondered is in spree to be unique, it should not be something unusual. Like changing the spelling of a generally used words forcefully can be troublesome. For example, when the domain for was decided the founders aimed as instead of and they lost substantial amount of traffic to change to the properly spelled word and redirecting the rest traffic to

Try to settle for .com

If you are planning for a long term online presence that is business then you must go for a .com website. Of course, you have option 301-redirection to get the traffic to the .net or .org websites but owning a .com website is like having a TLD. There are several reasons how it matters to your the web visitors as .com as TLD is most trustworthy.
Keep it easy

If you have a complicated URL that is difficult to type, people will not be interested. Long URLS and hard to spell words frustrates customers.

Make it Memorable

If you want to make your brand popular, faster than word-of-mouth is still a best marketing technique that can work promptly. So make the domain name attractive that is easy to remember. While having a superb website which people can’t remember the name.

Better user experience can really give you business success

What makes a website successful? Is it the content? The design? The online marketing? What makes a website successful is a topic that I felt should not go unexplained seeing as more and more businesses are looking to the internet to present their identity, advertise and gain leads. It seems having a successful website is becoming more of an asset to businesses, large and small, than ever before. After some research as to how a website is successful, it turns out it requires content, design, and online marketing, but is a bit more complicated than that. There are some key ingredients, which are fairly self-explanatory, but could take another whole blog entry to explain their importance. Those ingredients include appropriate content, appropriate marketing (SEO, advertising, blogging, social media), and appropriate design. But there is more thought that needs to be placed in the design process, aside from making sure the visual brand is upheld, that can turn a decently successful website into a website that is responsible for generating 50%+ of total leads per month. And that thought process applies to what is called the user experience (UX).

The user experience is how the user feels when navigating through a website and how they may respond, physically (in terms of actions), intellectually and emotionally to the website. The way the user interacts with the website will actually help determine if they will take action and complete the overall goal the website was designed to incite. If the way a user might feel when navigating through the site is taken into account before and while the website is being designed, the final product will generate more leads.

There are many factors that go into creating an optimal user experience. They involve combining form and function to carry out a final goal. Breaking them down into steps will help give more insight into creating the optimal user experience.

  • Consider the industry the website will be applied to and the target audience that may become users of the site. How are they expecting the site to look and function?
  • Think of the goal of the website and what action you would like the users to complete. Is the best possible outcome a potential lead contacting your company personally? Is it purchasing a product?
  • When beginning to design the site, it is important to utilize the idea of flow. Creating this flow involves the visual design, content and navigation of the site. Is navigating the site cohesive yet stimulating, easy to understand, yet entertaining to peruse and keeps the user’s attention? In creating the main pages and sub-pages, it is important to make sure that the visual flow, as well as the flow of the content, are seamless to make the path to the final goal seamless. This seamlessness can also create a feeling of flow within the user. Flow, as an action, is defined as the state in which one becomes fully and positively immersed in an activity to the point they lose conception of time. Some athletes would describe flow as “the sweet spot.” When users feel flow, they are fully immersed in the exploration of a new and relevant website and are more likely to follow the flow and fulfill the ultimate goal.
  • During the website design process, it is also important to design with a human touch in mind. A user will respond more positively if the website seems as though it was designed for them and what they are seeking when visiting the website. Being as straight forward as possible with both design and content can achieve this, but adding some warm and/or humorous yet professional undertones can instigate the flow you want to initiate. If the user is receiving all the information they are seeking in a stimulating and efficient way, but also feel as though some thought was put into the presentation, as though they are interacting with another human in an entertaining way, they build trust with the website and, ultimately, the company and individuals that work for the company. Initial interaction with the user once the user has made contact is almost always more positive than if the site had been confusing and less welcoming.

While creating a website design that successfully includes all of these ideas might sound like it’s easier said than done, if incorporated into the initial brainstorming process and carried out throughout the design, it will still come through the design and make a noticeable difference in the final result.

Simple tips to construct enticing web content fast

One of the most important aspects of online marketing strategies includes quality content creation. It is like the life line of the marketing and it has gained this position since years and has now been proved to be one of the techniques for driving sales in 2017. As per the Content Marketing Institute – it is a type of marketing that includes the content creation and sharing it online through blogs, videos and social media posts. That doesn’t promote the brand directly but is created to intrigue people towards the product or services. From here we can very easily derive that a web content needs to be crafted in a way that highlights the advantages your brand can provide along with providing answers to the question that can come to the minds of the potential customers.

For this we need to understand first, that why do we need a web content?

  • You can provide information that is of the customer’s interest and in order attract them and clients. This will help in creating trust worthiness.
  • If you are offering new or unique product this will help to educate the viewers. The contained content will enable them to get the solution to their requirements through your services or products along with strengthening the relationship with your online readers.
  • It will fetch you website more relevant traffic and visibility.
  • It’s an integral part of inbound marketing strategy. The content should be of good quality and unique.

Some of the tips that should be considered before creating an effectual content:

  • Keep a topic list
  • Maintain a content calendar
  • Before start to write proper research on the topic is essential
  • Construct structure roughly first to maintain the content flow
  • Keep away distractions – like emails, phone calls or social media
  • Work in the most inspiring ambiance – be it outdoors or in a quite office.

Make your content unique rather than being only a type in its category:

Note down the points that strikes your mind anytime about the topic of your web blog. Often we tend to forget some impactful points while sitting and construing while some thoughts keeps on coming in the minds about the write-ups. Keeping record of your thoughts can be easy with a the speech converting to text with the Google’s text transcription services.

Take content ideas from presentations

Many of have to make or work on your presentations that are prepared for various sets of audiences. The slides can help you to get some crucial points to include in the content when the target audience is same. Even you can find some usable insights. Re-purposing the content is also a great and fast way to create a good content in different forms, like a eBook or making it into a blog.

Schedule time to write and set a deadline

If you need to publish one blog post every week for improving the SEO efforts, making a schedule in important. In advance to the date of publishing do the writing check it well and schedule it and for the next too. Having a deadline of schedule for writing will enable you to get time for the writing to be flawless and it you can complete it on time.

Know the reasons behind why customers are not coming to your website

After launching your online business when you see very few visitors and no sales, the most probable question that comes to your mind is “why isn’t any visitor coming to my website?” After making a webshop, by investing a huge amount, time to make it a successful venture and an easily accessible option for people, the result is unexpected. And the effort seems futile.

It is not so simple at present, there are myriads of companies and becomingly instantly successful is difficult but you must know the reason why? The online arena is today crowded with start-ups, irrespective of whatever product or service type you select you have to face tough competition. You need to think from the users perceptive to make your online shop popular. Like after having opened a shop you can’t expect customers seating at the door, even without putting a name to it. In the same way, you have to work out things to make you online shop known to the audiences. Let everyone know your location and make other efforts to bring customers.

Things you should do to invite sales

One of the primary factors is your website design should be superior, in terms of look and feel also in functionality and must also be preferable for search engines. Apart from this, there are more requisites that a website must have for getting ranked well by the search engines starts getting information about your business. Here are a few:

The code
The coding for the website should be done in a way that search engines can easily collect the information. Fast server or hosting is a requirement that enables the bots to get the complete answers for the query they generate.


Schema which is sometimes more beneficial for local businesses needs to be applied to the website to make the services bots comprehend what each section of your website contains. Like the products, services, blog, testimonials and more. All these have to be properly structured with the schema code that will be explanatory for this process.

Pictures and Images

The images that are used in the website should have the correct format and the main image in every page should be available to the headers for enabling social media networks engines to get the data in the easiest possible way.

Mobile friendliness

At present when a child is also equipped with a mobile phone, it’s obvious that your website needs to be responsive. Most of the people search for products and information through a mobile device as it can be done even if you are on a go. So to increase the visibility and sales it must have a proper display for the devices.

What are factors that you must pay attention :

Understand the work

You must become familiar with some related platforms that will enhance your understanding for the work, such as CMS handling, online editors etc.

We acquainted with the competition market

Check out your closest competitors online and how they promote their business and you can do something better. The promotional offers and the prices they offer then you can opt for providing some discount coupon codes that are liked by the visitors and will give you good sales. You must try to be different and innovative in terms of promotional ways.

Get into SEO and SMO

Search engine marketing is the easiest means to get your site ranked well on search engine result page. The better optimized the website the more beneficial it will be for your website to get more business online. SMO also plays a great roll in popularizing your website as regularly several people connect to these platforms where you can promote your business organically or through ads will earn your great leads.

Know few onsite common SEO issues that you might make

SEO is a diverse field and strategy ensures the popularity of the business leading to lead generation. Each website to be optimized requires relevant tweaking in order to be visible in search engine result page. The most crucial part is on-page or onsite SEO, that helps to make the website fit for the search engine. Search engine, mostly Google is the medium where people look for information and other things, so optimization should be done in a way that it will be benefited by the algorithm change Google does to improve the user-experience. It is not only about, inbound marketing, rather the technical side can be managed by the onsite changes but are sometimes overlooked by digital marketers.

Let’s look into the points that generally gets missed:

Using Nofollow for URLs

For hiding the pages or the links that are not for the search engine, to prevent indexing thin content containing pages, internal search result pages for A/B test we use “nofollow” tag. But stop doing this as this doesn’t prevent the page to get indexed but hinders the hinders the page rank process of your website. To say it in other words, though the “nofollow” tag doesn’t restrict page rank to pass through a link, still, Google considers all the links on the webpage while deciding what PageRank can be passed. Some of the newbies in this field use “nofollow” in the content in order to stop the indexing but it doesn’t serve the purpose, so don’t do it even for the pages you want not be indexed. Whereas you can use <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, follow”>

Requirement of canonicalization

The canonical tag in HTML is: <link rel=”canonical” href=”[/]url-a.html”[/]> This helps the search engines that the URL mentioned should be considered as “canon”. Now the question is why will you require this tag? To prohibit the duplicate content from getting indexed. This also may pass the Page Rank to the canonical page, so need to be worried loosing page rank. Some of the conversion optimizers may be unsuccessful, in the A/B test one should use the canonical tag to restrict the alternate page to get indexed. Differences on the product pages, like that are with various color are example of this. Sitewide canonicalization is the better solution for website that have query strings.

Poor URL architecture

This is quite a complex part of optimizing, so don’t be too fast to do it as that can hurt the site rather than benefiting, if not done meticulously. The common problems that arise while structuring the URL are:

In the case of a blog post that is listed in various categories, makes it’s presence in multiple folders, leading to duplicate content problem.

URLs that are only in parent domain is not fit for SEO, the main pages must be listed in further folders to know the page specific category.

404 pages URLs in the folders. When a URL is kept subordinate to the folder, it is obvious that users will think it to be an operational page. It is completely confusing for the visitor, so it is better to keep these pages link in a parent folder.

Business Stationery material serves as an efficiently marketing tool

Professionalism counts for every business type and is liked by people. Loaded with myriads of options people are the judges now whether to consider the services and products provided by your brand or not. Marketing in terms of B2B and B2C companies are different and we can say it’s rather difficult to create a mark in the b2b scenario. Though, marketing smart and efficiently is the only process that can help your brand become famous and gain sales. Underestimating the power of any marketing tool can be decisive.

Often business owners don’t consider the smaller aspects of the promotion like the customized business card, folder, letterhead, etc. These are the stationery, that actually has specific roles to play in creating brand awareness gradually leading to popularity. As every aspect is turning digital, we may say, that attention has shifted to the digital ways more and this part is being undermined. But, in reality, stationery have a lot of potential in promoting a brand. They are effective for various campaigns.

While a customized design is the talk of the business marketing industry in case of logo, website, user-centric content, why not a set of customized stationery act as a successful promotional tool. For instance, many of the bigger brands even provide logo designed t-shirts, caps and these serve the purpose exceptionally. When the employees wear the company marked imprinted t-shirt it gives rise to most viral way of advertising “the word of mouth”. Not only this, in B2B marketing when you hand the required documents to the clients or a business card holding the brand emblem is depicts professionalism and added advantage is distinctness. The logo on the stationery material will make the companies vision and value to the client which can give you an extra edge on the other contenders.

The clients in a b2b enterprise have diverse requirements for their companies where the tangibility serves as great advantages along with credibility. The presentation matters more in the case of diverse business requirements.

Take a glance at the other advantages of stationery from the marketing perspective

Personalization – It has now become rare that we get a personalized mail in a professionally customized letterhead contained in a company envelop, what we receive is emails. So doing the prior mentioned activity will give your company a differentiation from the other contenders.

Brand Awareness – By using printed business stationery, it’s another way to increase your brand awareness, as well as reinforcing your company’s professionalism and attention to detail.

Direct Mail – As touched on earlier, direct mail is still an effective way to stay in touch with your target market as part of an integrated marketing campaign or even something as simple as a nice open letter to your customers thanking them for their business

Improved networking opportunities – The contact address and phone number on the customized business stationery makes a room for getting new options every time when one comes into contact with the item.

Expert opined points for creating a custom logo design

The rule of thumb in the present market condition has been the simple yet professional look of your business. The cut-throat situation is increasing with the emergence of new companies on every other day. Every aspect needs to be perfect and claim distinctness that can gain the preference of your audience and target audiences. A logo is the first step that makes the existence of a business towards the viewers, so it has to be completely expressive and unique that will make the message clear and instigate a sense of awe at a glance. Nothing better than a professional custom logo design can serve the purpose.

A perfect logo design needs to be a complex amalgamation of design expertise, creative skills and deft application. Professionals who are worth their salt can, of course, create a logo that will precisely serve the purpose but actually it takes some time and caliber. Yes, logo is one of the smallest aspects of branding, but has multiple benefits and has a great impact in all industries, starting from real estate, hospitality to IT companies – the brand mark poses as a centerpiece of brand promoting strategies.

As per the opinion of the design expert, there are certain points that can help a design to be fulfilling following some simple points and as said by Milton Glaser (the designer of I ❤ NY logo) “There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”

Try to gauge the competition
Even before penning your work of logo design concept, the research work should be good enough to understand the market status. Some information of the closest competitors by the client can be helpful. Checking out those logos can give you the idea of the branding conventions can give you some innovative ideas. But it should be always kept in mind that some of the most famous logo designs are so because of their offbeat approach.

Relevant questions

The strategy is a crucial part of the brand promotion process, that is sometimes the budget or the scale of the campaign is also the reason behind the business not becoming so very popular. So the point is, you need to ask the right questions. The simple yet to be asked questions are like, who are they? What do they provide? And how are they different from other?

Stay flexible while creating

Once you create the strategy, you don’t have to be very rigid with it. Just pen-down two of three layouts, hopefully, you will find some more ideas to induce into one of the layouts and then check for the best one which will be visually efficient. Few ideas that look good in theory may fall out of place in practice while a compelling visual solution so a rough work can always make the things clear.

Tweak and refine to add personality

If you the confirm for some predefined typeface in a logo, specifically like Helvetica, there is to put extra attention towards the other touch points. And these are imagery, color tone and more to bring out the brands personality.

Important Steps to make great billboard ads

Time has changed a lot along with that the taste and preference of the consumer also has changed drastically. Twenty to thirty years back bill boards were the main mode of brand awareness for a brand. On print design category bill boards play a very crucial role in gaining more business for a brand. Today the entire scenario has completely changed. As people don’t have time to look up rather they prefer to look down on their smart phones all the time. As consumers are very reluctant to bill board ads this days. So there are some easy and simple steps which if followed then again billboard can become an effective tool of brand awareness.

Maximum of Six words or less is ideal:-
Today consumers don’t have enough time and energy to read the entire paragraph of the billboard. So small & crisp writing is essential to communicate the message of the brand. In a survey it has been found that on an average six seconds are being given by the consumers to read the information on the billboard. So it would be sensible to communicate the message of the brand within six words or less. It is tough but need to be done to catch the attention of the consumers. So if the brand tries to communicate more message about the products and services then it would be good not to use billboard advertising.

Don’t distract but get noticed by the consumer:-
Normally Billboard ads are meant for car drivers, bikers , or other pedestrians who pass by near the billboards. The message of the billboard should not distract the attention of the passers by. It should not be placed in the middle of the street which can cause regular traffic jam or problem to the drivers or any vehicle. So it should be placed in properly in such a place that it is noticeable but not distractable. It should lead to branding not to any problem for the passerby. So you can use bill board as an effective tool of print design to grab the attention of the consumer in a fruitful manner.

Be a smart communicator of your business message:-
A bill board which is boring will be ignored by the viewers. It is essential part of communicating the business message that it should be kept simple, easy, and memorable so that long lasting impression can be created in the minds of the viewers. If the message is very clumsy and the viewers need to scratch their head twice for understanding it then it can lead to fall in the viewers attention. So for grabbing the attention of the viewers it need to be crisp and simple.

The means for communicating the business message has improved a lot. So to keep the system of billboard promotion alive in the print design segment some small but effective steps need to be taken. In that regard the above steps can prove to be effective form of business communication through bill board promotion.

Updated SEO features in 2017

There has been a rapid development and updation in the field of SEO in last three years. Features of Google are trending very fast and significantly it effects the ranking of the websites. Some of the prominent advancements of 2017 are quite mind boggling for the owners of the companies. So equivalently the task of the digital marketing team also becomes tougher now a days. As Google’s algorithm updates keep on changing in every time so the task of the companies to keep on track of this updates increases manifold.

User Intent wise optimization:-
In-spite of the fact that Keywords form an integral part of SEO optimization but today consumers today are much smarter than before. They know exactly what they want and search engines will track their intent very easily. So Keyword optimization needs to be set on the basis of user intent. As users are entering full queries and values to get their desired information. In 2017 brands need to identify the user intent before optimizing their site in search engines. For that three important steps they need to follow. Firstly a brand needs to investigate that what type of information the users are seeking from a website’s content. Secondly once the research data has been gathered then necessary changes need to be done to boost the ratings.Based on the research done it needs to convey the message through your content using the story they are searching for. Thirdly, a brand need to identify that which ideas are working for them and which are not by keeping a track of analytics result.

Use of more rich answers & snippets:-
In general sense we all use Google search engine to get the answers of all the queries. When ever a user type any questions on Google then it displays the answer to the user along with some relevant sites, videos, events, movie,information , reviews and dates. Schema markup or structured data mark up can help business owners to enhance their listings on SERP’s. As this mark ups helps the search engine in understanding the content and allow the users to get the desired information they want.

Multi channel Marketing:-

Multi channel marketing or cross channel marketing is the process of using multiple platforms in an integrated way to market your brand. It ensures capturing the user attention for longer duration of time. So it is one of the features of Search engine platforms to market your brand. The main aim of it is to create a consistent brand presence in the minds of the viewers. It can only be effective if proper target audience can be reached and the consumer buying habits are known to the SEO specialists.

More often Google makes updation in their SEO features. So the task of the brands have become tougher than before to keep a track of it. To enhance their marketing activity above steps can be a very effective tool for them to run their campaign successfully.

Importance of print design in today’s business scenario

Over the last few years the technology has drastically changed along with the processes and attitude of the work places have also changed drastically. CRM system, mobile devices ,cloud computing have made their marks which has reduces the scope of BTL activities a lot. It is being assumed by many experts that print design is dead or getting less importance day after day. The reality is quite different because with the advancement of digital printing ,corporate printing can get maximum benefit from it. In four ways technology drives business today. Firstly by automating manual task,secondly by enhancing connectivity, thirdly by innovating products and services , & fourthly by improving decision.

Printing has evolved than before:-
Digital printing has given marketers the scope to carry out on demand print for the customers. The print industry is growing at a very fast pace. There has been a considerable amount of advancement occurred in printing field. Traditional printing process has changed to modern digital printing process. Compared to music industry, print industry is fifty times the size of it. All the print articles are used to promote a brand today digitally rather than producing in large quantity to distribute it to the clients manually. Globally recognized company use cloud technology to print locally for first time.

Use of print in marketing mix:-
Print plays a important role in developing marketing mix of a brand. As it has been reviewed that four fifths of the target audience will react on direct mail immediately .Contrary to those 45% who will say that they deal in email straight away. Various brands use digital print design to enhance their marketing campaign.

Digital transformation goes beyond printing technology:-
Digital printing is the most sustainable mode of communication as it reduces the uses of paper. Using email companies can send their brochures , catalog, leaflets to their client. Hence it promotes a brand in an ecofriendly manner. Just in time delivery is possible now due to digital printing.

Cloud Technology:-
Cloud technology provides the opportunity to the global companies to print locally. It can connect with the print houses around the world sharing economy style. This means global organizations can now print marketing materials close to where they are needed. Thus it means savings of cost , time , and environment as it ensures printing locally which means marketing materials can be produced ,used, and delivered within days rather than weeks.

Various well known brands today also use print design as one of the primary mode of marketing materials. Printing materials are the first identity maker of any brand. So proper design and text may lead to effective promotion of a brand. Digital printing media can lead to effective branding in small span of time compared to traditional branding. That is the main reason behind more usage of digital printing compared to traditional printing. Surprisingly today also hard copy of brochures and catalogs can win the trust of the customers more rapidly. Due to their physical existence and tangibility. It can create a positive impression in the minds of the customers.