When do you need root canal therapy?

Our expert dentists suggest root canal therapy when anyone is suffering from unbearable toothache caused by a severe infection in the tooth pulp. This therapy is effective in repairing a tooth through a painless method. Besides, you can avoid further decay and removal by availing of this therapy.
The pulp chamber or the central hollow of the tooth houses blood vessels, tissues, and nerves, and thus, it keeps the tooth in good health. If you are experiencing any of the systems below, you can get in touch with us.
  1. 1. Incessant toothache without any apparent reason
  2. 2. Painful biting or chewing
  3. 3. Swelling of the gum and face
  4. 4. Pus oozing out from the surrounding of the affected tooth
  5. 5. Tooth gets loosened
Please do not delay and visit us for a check-up if you are facing any of the issues. Otherwise, you can invite bigger problems, such as the loss of the surrounding jaw bone, further infection, and finally, the loss of the affected tooth.

How we do the root canal treatment?

As a reputable name in the scenario of family dentistry, we start this dental treatment with a proper diagnosis. Our dentists and endodontists listen to the symptoms of each patient carefully. Then, they try to identify and assess the problems using investigative techniques, including x-rays.
These investigations further help to chalk out the course of the root canal dental treatment based on the size, number, shape, and depth of the roots.
Then, we conduct the root canal procedure. The entire treatment can be done in single or multiple visits, depending upon how complicated the case is. Our root canal treatment primarily comprises of four procedures, such as:
  1. 1.  Removal of existing infection and decay
  2. 2.  Shaping up the canals within the foot root for easy filling
  3. 3.  Filling up the canals to prevent further bacteria attack
  4. 4.  Restoring the tooth and making it functional once again
We also take care of the cosmetics issues post a root canal treatment. Usually, a healthy tooth with healthy pulp is yellowish-white in color. You can consult with us so that we can customize your cosmetic dentistry service according to your aesthetic preferences.

Why will you choose us?

Our dentists and endodontists are adept in handling emergency and critical root canal treatments. Besides, we use proven methodologies and offer customized dental treatment plans. Further, we only follow the scientifically proven and recommended protocols and ensure measure clinical outcomes, including the speedy recovery of a patient.

So, book an appointment with us at your preferred time and get the best dental treatment.
