Invisalign is arguably the oldest and the most well-known brand of clear aligners. We are Invisalign-trained specialists recommending its use over traditional metal braces. Invisalign poses several clear advantages over traditional braces.

Invisalign can help treat:

  1. Overbite: This is the condition when the set of upper teeth extends beyond the line of lower teeth.
  2. Underbite: This is the opposite of overbite. The lower teeth extend beyond the upper teeth.
  3. Open bite: Patients who have an open bite have their upper and lower front teeth slanted outwards such that they do not touch each other when you close your mouth.
  4. Crowded teeth: In this condition, one tooth is placed over another, creating a crowded alignment of overlapping teeth.

Treatment process


We will take a scan of your teeth and generate a 3D image. This image would be used to assess the areas of improvement. A plan for moving your misaligned teeth to their proper place will be designed.

Designing the braces:

The invisible braces are designed according to your custom requirement. These are made with a polymer material. You will be given your first set of braces to wear. You need to keep these in place for at least 22 hours every day. We will also schedule your next appointment within three weeks.

Series of aligners:

In the next appointment, we will assess the progress of alignment of your teeth and scan it again. The next set of aligners will be provided soon. We will be providing you with a few sets of aligners over the course of the next few months. Typically, the treatment is over within six months, and you can have the perfect smile.
The exact time of the treatment depends on a few variables. First, it depends on the complexity of your orthodontic issues. Depending on the initial assessment, we can give you a tentative time frame as to how long the treatment should take.
Next, it depends on how you use the invisible braces. Since these are removable, it depends on you to keep them in place. The only times you should open these are during brushing, eating, or drinking. If you are tempted to keep them removed for longer periods, the treatment will naturally take longer.


You should be careful about maintaining these braces. Since these are foreign substances on your teeth, it can get a little uncomfortable at first. However, given some time, you would get adjusted to these. You should remember to remove them when eating or drinking. Otherwise, food and beverages may get
trapped in them and cause additional dental issues. Furthermore, use the special case to keep them when you are not using, or they may get dirty and probably cause infection. These braces should be washed in running cold water under moderate force. Warm water may warp the configuration of the plastic braces and hamper the treatment process. There might be some slight soreness in the gums. So, you should consider avoiding hard food, although there are no food restrictions per se with Invisalign.
Millions of people worldwide have been benefited from these clear aligners, and we can help you to make the most of them.