• Bryden's Avenue, Brittons Hill, St. Michael, Barbados
  • 1 (246) 417-6760

Welcome to

Adventist-Laymen's Services and Industries!

It is my privilege to serve you as the President of the ASI Barbados Chapter. God has called every one of us to be laborers in His vineyard, and by God’s grace, we will endeavor to be a tool that can be used to reach, to teach, and to preach the everlasting gospel to the world. Whether you are a business owner, service provider, missionary, or youth, God called us to do His work. Neal A. McAulay penned the words to a beautiful song that I would like to share with you. He writes, “There’s a place for every worker in the vineyard of the Lord, where with all our pow’rs united, we can toil with one accord. There are needy hearts now waiting for the help which we can give, let us guide them safely onward, let us show them how to live. Chorus: There’s a place, Oh, may I find it, Where my mission I can fill, Be it humble or exalted, May I hold it with a will; Help to serve my generation With a heart of love and grace, Help me, Lord, from this time onward, Find and occupy my place. I, along with the Executive Members of the ASI Barbados Chapter, pledge to work with you in fulfilling the gospel message to the world by sharing Christ in the marketplace.

Julius R. Sealy

ASI Barbados Chapter


This Strategic Plan was informed by the thoughts of the 2020-2022 ASI Barbados Chapter Executive Committee.





Eld. Julius Sealy


Dr. Bertram Jones

Evangelism Coordinator

Dr. Natalie Greaves

Vice President

Dr. Desrine Bogle

Project Coordinator

Eld. Marvalee Franklyn

Vice President

Eld. Wendell Cozier

Immediate Past President

Dr. David Byer

Floor Member

Bro. Christon Smith

Floor Member

Sis. Michelle Ward

Public Relations Officer

Bro. Edwin Lawrence

Floor Member



ASI embraces three strategies critical to accomplishing our mission.
  • We plan compelling, memorable, and engaging ASI Conventions that inspire attendees with stories of how the gospel changes lives.
  • We fulfill Christ’s mission in a collaborative, innovative, and communicative way.
  • We strengthen and increase membership while mentoring and equipping future leaders.


ASI is committed to staying focused on what is most important. The annual convention takes center stage in the work of ASI and is our top priority as we seek to acquaint other Seventh-day Adventist business owners, professionals, and ministry leaders with the unique opportunity of working together and collaborating with church leaders to accomplish the mission* of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


The leadership team of ASI is committed to working together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to continue focusing our passion, energy and resources on activating an army of business owners, professionals, and ministry leaders for the work of God.
  • The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to call all people to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the everlasting gospel embraced in the Three Angels’ Messages [Revelation 14:6-12], and to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.


Imagine what could happen if every single Seventh-day Adventist business, professional and ministry leader was 100% engaged in helping to accomplish the mission of the Church! Imagine the tremendous impact we could make for God’s kingdom! Together we can make a difference. Join us in committing to becoming actively involved in mission.



ASI is a Seventh-day Adventist organization that connects supporting ministries, businesses, and professionals who are responding to the call of God to actively share Christ’s love and hope with the world.


The motto of ASI is “Sharing Christ in the Marketplace.” Because of the urgency of the end times, we believe it is essential to involve every Seventh-day Adventist business owner, professional, and ministry leader in reaching this world in need. We believe that the passion, energy, and focus of lay individuals boldly proclaiming the Three Angels’ Messages around the world could result in the fulfillment of prophecy and bring about the soon return of Jesus. In the book, Gospel Workers, page 351, Ellen White makes the following observation, “The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers.”


ASI believes that the following three values are essential in everything we do or attempt to do. Every ASI member and leader must be devoted to a life:
  • Committed to the Adventist Church and its mission
  • Empowered by lay-driven leadership
  • Involved in active ministry


Within the context of ASI’s mission, purpose, and values, ASI inspires and focuses lay people to work with the Seventh-day Adventist Church through conventions, networking, and encouraging evangelism innovation.

ASI Barbados Chapter - Membership Registration Form

The purpose of ASI is to connect and equip lay ministries, business people, and professionals and their families to regularly and passionately share Christ in the marketplace and actively support the Adventist Church’s mission of sharing the Three Angels’ Messages of God’s love and grace to the world in preparation for His soon return. To learn more about the ASI Barbados Chapter, see our Strategic Plan for 2020 – 2022.

Membership Status *

  • I would like to Join the ASI Barbados Chapter
  • I am a current member of the ASI Barbados Chapter